How do you store your hard top


New member
Just wondering if any of y'all have special ways you store your hard top. Indoor or out. I've got some ideas in my head of building a stand/rack/frame thing so it could get out of my garage and chill in the backyard but not become a home for critters. What y'all got?


This is kinda of pricey at $167 but if you are somewhat handy with tools I'd bet it wouldn't be to hard to make.
Just wondering if any of y'all have special ways you store your hard top. Indoor or out. I've got some ideas in my head of building a stand/rack/frame thing so it could get out of my garage and chill in the backyard but not become a home for critters. What y'all got?
I was thinkin about building something to support it so the sun wont warp it. It was on an old Jeep for years and the hatch was left open. Where the shocks pushed up on the hatch and the sun beat down on it it warped the hatch bad. Had to heat it with a propane torch gradually working it to finally get it where it would close. I've still got work to do to the top so I'm not to the point of storing it yet. So I don't have an answer for you but am very interested in this thread.
I dont have a hard top for the Jeep,but my pick up cap I use a few cinder blocks and leave it outside for my dog to get out of the eliminates when i leave him loose in the yard.

If you do store it outside beware of trees. The hardtop from my sons CJ7 was stored in my backyard until the neighbors tree lost a branch in a storm & broke it to bits....took a bite out of my canoe too.

Weight sits all on the sides around the hatch.