i got into an accendent


New member

i was traveling down autobohn going around 80 mph ( a pretty slow speed here ) and BMW comeing down the other side going well over 100 mph hit my front drivers side finder ( would have hit me straight on but i swerved her and so she only hit me on the finder spining me around 4 times ( jeep not hurt to bad its tuffer than i every though, it only took out blinker and front finder and brushguard got a small wisky dent. i walked away with a broke pinky brused heart ( that scared the doc) brused chest plate, concusion, pulled alot of musles in neck and back and knee anda knot on head in the shape of an upside down U ( seat belt broke my head hit stearing wheel ) that what we think happened not shure i only remember seeing her come into my lane next thing i know the doc telling me to not move .. but i live because my jeeps not too bad
one thing i love about the military, i off for two weeks getting paid before i go back to doctor to see if he says i go back to work ( and for two weeks i am on musle relaxers pain killers and something for swelling

well i going to lay down now just though i would tell yall what happened
from joseph[addsig]


oof... that really SUCKS dude...[addsig]

Sorry to hear about the accident...I have heard some horror stories about autobahn accidents....30+ car pile-ups[addsig]

Man glad to hear that you are OK :-O Also nice to hear that the Jeep isn't in bad shape either....... :-D [addsig]


yeah i doing good well as good as can be expected even a little better ( damn it hard typeing with one hand focking elbow) well i got to go i send pics of my jeep

from joseph[addsig]


Best wishes for a speedy recovery for
you and your poor jeep ,,,,, :cool:

What is the outcome for the idiot who caused the crash.???

Sorry your belt broke, but I bet it saved you from an ejection
through the front windscreen. Soldier, you are in our prayers,
thoughts, and have our Best wishes for a speedy recovery..

Anything you need,, a care package.

Private Mail, me if you like.
I wish we could take your pain from you,
I know we benefit from you post...


ouch... i know about those accidents... i was put out of commission for a while a few years back... you have my wishes for your recovery[addsig]


the lady that hit me is in better shape than me her selt belt held her in her spot and she had airbags ( but her BMW is all messed up my jeep climbed it from what i hearshe came and checked on me in hospital i not mad at her she just moved to germany same as me so she didnt understadn the rules of the road she is gonna help pay to fix jeep( she in army so she is in the same boat as me broke as hell but i get everything fixed slowly but shurely..i got to get new engine my block is cracked anyone know if a v8 will fit in a jeep wrangler 1990 modle, because i got a freind that will give me the engine for free all i got to do it put it in there i just seeing if its able to be done?

i doing good now the doctor has got me on some realy good drugs lol ( cant drive or nothing while on them so i stay home all day for the next two weeks

from joseph

yeah, a v8 will fit... but it will take some modifications... that's good that she came to visit you... and... the driver at fauly rarely gets hurt, its no fun... we're still pullin for ya[addsig]

what kinda modifecations does it take? i never done it i just trying to figure out what i need to get around to do it.

well i got to go to learn to use arm again lol i can use it they are makeing do this stupid class on how to move lol

from joseph[addsig]