I hate hummers!!

Some times folks just want something to cry about,thats what I get out of it. When ya know the law is being called and ya still hang around and cry over a lousey 6 dollars, he probably had sand in his underwear before he even got to your place.
Exactly matt. . We put stickers in your car to first remind you when to get service. .then second for the technician. .to know what oil to use without having to look it up in the system.. .sure its easy to ask but nine times out of ten when you ask the customer(usually a grumpy old person that has nothing better to do than get an oil change at 12 o clock on a Tuesday) they get upset when you ask. .most of them expect you to know what they use cause 9 out of 10 customers ALWAYS use the same oil. .plus were told at pennzoil meetings that you are the expert. .that's why most people being their cars to you. .so its not very pro- like to be asking what kind of oil they wanna use. .more times than not you get " what I been using" as the answer. . ALSO . Who in the world switches oil types every oil change? HM IS FOR HIGHER MILEAGE VEHICLES. .unless, for some odd reason, The odometer goes in reverse when your driving then your still adding miles onto already high mileage. Make sense? Its recommended at 75k and up. .and its a good thing to keep using it once you use it. . About the india american thing. .im not racist against any group but like tj said there are certain groups that need to act right for lack of better words. . Once again. . IDIOTS

Ok, now we know that you hate your customers,and are prepared to do character assanations. { In which I would probably do the same thing,does not work well with others,or the public} People are amazeing,ya never know what their gonna say or do,just gotta let it go in one ear and right out the other. So back to our topic,Hummer hateing. In my area I see no practical use for them,they're to big to go where I go. Maybe out west where ya all have the wide open spaces it would be ok . But I tend to think that most of the folks that buy them do so as a status symbol.
But I tend to think that most of the folks that buy them do so as a status symbol.

I don't disagree, mostly. My husband got our H1 back in the day when the company did well enough to do that. We took it off road a little, but for the most part it was just cool to drive around in it. Now it sits in the garage under a cover, maybe gets taken out twice a year. He keeps it because he can.

klkb said:
I don't disagree, mostly. My husband got our H1 back in the day when the company did well enough to do that. We took it off road a little, but for the most part it was just cool to drive around in it. Now it sits in the garage under a cover, maybe gets taken out twice a year. He keeps it because he can.

And the whole "status symbol" thing was exactly why I didn't keep the H1.... It was so cute, too...(yes, cute ... Suck it up macho dudes;-)Lol)
It was dark green... 4dr. hardtop w/Truck bed... I loved it.. Drove it everywhere... But after a while, the combination of snide remarks from 9 outta 10 males in every parking lot and the attention it drew from the people who assumed you paid full bucks up retail for it and therefore you must be loaded with cash...kinda took all the enjoyment out of driving it...
And it was just really for me to drive... Because all 3 of our kids were still living at home then ... And once the youngest was too big to sit on the dog house ... We couldn't all ride in it together...
However...,, made $$ selling it ...which opened the driveway for Jeep #6 (aka "the yellow jeep") nice 2000 TJ 6cyl/auto
No Top/ but hard doors ... 8" lift+ 3" body lift... Ran 37s on it.... Drove it rain or shine .. as I was the year round Soccer Mom then and away games could be anywhere in 150 mile radius.... Loved that jeep...

[☠]lllllll[☠] 89 YJ ...SOA +6.5...44"Trxus' I Love my dirtYJeep! [☠]lllllll[☠]
my buddy, mike, has an h1. the wagon version. its cool, reminds me of my active duty time and all the hours driving the commander around. the only thing wrong with it is it has a gas engine in it and not a diesel.

he has had it for sale for years now. i think it would be great for a family vehicle, minus the horrible horrible gas mileage since it has the 350 in it
superj said:
my buddy, mike, has an h1. the wagon version. its cool, reminds me of my active duty time and all the hours driving the commander around. the only thing wrong with it is it has a gas engine in it and not a diesel.

he has had it for sale for years now. i think it would be great for a family vehicle, minus the horrible horrible gas mileage since it has the 350 in it

Mine had the 350.... It got better mileage than my YJ does;-)
Actually, I want to say it was 14-ish?

Hey I noticed the base sticker on your jeep windshield... Wed my husband & I were on our way to lunch and saw this military vehicle w/trailer...(headed to Ft.Sam) It was massive
We were both salivating.. His comment was "I haven't had one of those yet"... As I'm snapping pics .... I'm gonna try and add one here and see if you or any other fellow jeepers might know exactly what it is... He was all excited about it & it's trailer bcuz he (in all of 4 seconds as we drive by at 35-40 mph) thinks the trailers axles were all "steering" axles....
(he has Rockwells on his "toy" ... From a couple of old military trucks we have laying around... he used their front axles so he could front & rear steering... Whatever...) anyway I'd love to know what this truck is /does


PS buy your buddy's H1 so klkb & I aren't the only "traitors" around the forum;-)

[☠]lllllll[☠] 89 YJ ...SOA +6.5...44"Trxus' I Love my dirtYJeep! [☠]lllllll[☠]

i can't remember the number designaiton for it but those are used to haul tanks around. i can't see the trailer but i think those are the ones with all wheel steering on the trailers too. when i was about to get out, in late 97, 3 brigade starting using those to transport our tanks. what thye used previously, i have no idea
superj said:
i can't remember the number designaiton for it but those are used to haul tanks around. i can't see the trailer but i think those are the ones with all wheel steering on the trailers too. when i was about to get out, in late 97, 3 brigade starting using those to transport our tanks. what thye used previously, i have no idea

I knew you'd have some intel on the mystery machine ;-) !!! Thanks! U rock!

[☠]lllllll[☠] 89 YJ ...SOA +6.5...44"Trxus' I Love my dirtYJeep! [☠]lllllll[☠]
My wifes dad has an M34 I think is what its called. .BIG GREEN truck and trailer 4x4 dodge straight six engine. .its a beast

jeepjeep! said:
My wifes dad has an M34 I think is what its called. .BIG GREEN truck and trailer 4x4 dodge straight six engine. .its a beast

Thanks ! I used your M34 designation as a starting point for a little Internet research ...using your info plus the info from SuperJ indicating it was a tank hauler enabled me to identify my mystery "dream" machine!

The truck is a M1070 & the trailer is a M1000.
In 1993 the U.S. Army started fielding the M1070 Truck Tractor and the M1000 Heavy Equipment Transporter Semi-trailer. The tractor is produced by Oshkosh Truck, and the trailer is manufactured by Systems & Electronics, Inc. in St. Louis. The HETS transports payloads up to 70 tons – primarily Abrams tanks, but is also used for other large military equipment such as forklifts and various tracked vehicles. It is capable of operating on highways (with permits), secondary roads, and cross-country. This version of HETS has a number of features that significantly improve the mobility and overall performance of the system in a tactical environment. The M1070 tractor has front- and rear-axle steering, a central tire-inflation system, and cab space for six personnel to accommodate the two HETS operators and four tank crewmen. The M1000 semi-trailer has automatically steerable axles and a load-leveling hydraulic suspension. It is air-transportable by both C-5 Galaxy and C-17 Globemaster III aircraft.

Get this.. 2 fuel tanks totaling a 250 gallon capacity.... With a range of .. 300 miles!!!

Max. Speed when not loaded is 45mph...
When fully loaded, its max is between
25-30 mph!!!!

It is sometimes referred to as a Dragon Wagon .... the WWII version earned the name because of it's "flame belching exhaust"

Thanks guys!!!!;-)

[☠]lllllll[☠] 89 YJ ...SOA +6.5...44"Trxus' I Love my dirtYJeep! [☠]lllllll[☠]