i need EVERYONE's ideas and support (powerpoint presentation


Active member

well folks, time is ticking down to January 31... the day i present my state and district required graduation project at school. my project has been (for those who don't know) lifting my cherokee. my project is completely done, the only thing left is this presentation. my request... everyone check it out and tell me what you think:




I think you forgot to add a name to your Thank you list. You know, someone who listened to you complain about bolts, calmed you down, showed you Paragon, but I guess none of that matters.......oh well...................... Just kidding...It looks GREAT !!!!!!!! Let us know what you get(if it's not an A+ we'll take a ride to a certain teachers house and do comunity dognuts on thier lawn) yes, I said dognuts lol


rob... if you had actually stopped by and laid a finger on my jeep you would've been included in the list. but i think you were too cool to help out a friend that week.
j/k i'll add you to the list.

Dingus....one word...awesome....I think that it is a very good presentation...good pictures and good outline...I'd like to hear you give it...I bet it will be great!....good luck!

P.S. thats cool that even I got to have my screenname in it hehe[addsig]


Job well done young Jedi, The force is great with you! Remember you are not a Jedi Knight yet. You must learn to control your emoitions and your jeep in a maner that will not allow the Dark Side to lure youin to traps (like tradeing your jeep for a chevy).

You did great! Tug

PS pin stripes rule!

just like everyone says;looks great man!!!

about the articulation,does your jeep do that now??

i want it too....real cool..[addsig]

looks very nice, just a side note, i couldnt help but notice that everyones little picture is PASmoke's jeep pic (PASsmokeater, dingus, tug-n-pull, and rayovac) is my computer glitching or is there a new trend starting?![addsig]


mine too, but nive job ding, i like it


there's no glitch... everyone is making fun of Pasmokeater's jeep... thats the icon (his jeep)... i just did it because everyone else is... lol[addsig]

Good presentation. I have a few comments from my wife who creates presentations for a living as a marketing director.

You need to identify each slide in each different section that has multiple slides. For instance, in your "The Installation" section. Use "The Installation" as your section header title. Thereafter, insert "The Installation" in a smaller font size in the upper right hand corner to to keep the section idenfiable. Then you need to tell the viewer what each slide is. Such as, slide #1 after the title slide, i.e., "Installing the Leaf Springs", etc. You need to do the same thing with your "Testing" section. Give it a title slide, and label all of the subsequent slides. They are neat pictures worthy of telling about them. Tell your viewer where you are, what you are doing, etc. Your goal is to inform the viewer as much as possible in a short time frame. Hard job, but you have done good so far. Also, good attempt at cutting out your jeep from its background for your "before and after" shots. However, someone who is not familiar with this process will be unable to clearly tell any difference which defeats the whole purpose of the presentation. Put it back on its background unless you know how to give it another neutral background to clearly show the vehicle. Your before and after pictures should be at the same angle as well. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!! GOOD LUCK.



One word,


The changes you have made are excellent and clearly demonstrate your ability to complete your goal (a difficult one at that) and create a worthy presentation of the process.

ROCK ON DINGUS!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't get an A, I think you proceed with clearly demonstrating "articulation" on your teachers car!

Very nice presentation. It looks like a really good job.

I do have a couple of comments on framing (i.e. giving the audience context) though...

Around the "Taking a Stance" intro slides, it would be good to frame your presentation (i.e. let your audience know where you're about to take them...what, specifically, you're going to talk about). You can do this pretty simply by providing an outline or by any number of other ways. Nevertheless, this will help the audience stay on track with what you're talking about without getting lost.

Then frame the subject itself (i.e. speak very generally about lifts then focus on your subject/project). You may be planning on talking to this, but from looking at the slides, it appears that you dive fairly quickly into "lifting a Cherokee". It may help to "frame" the issue issue of lifts by talking about lifts from a very general perspective (i.e what they are, why people get them, and why yours is of such interest).

Something like...

Intro: My presentation...

Frame Presentation (example): "I'm going to talk about lifts, first describing what they are and the different types, where you'd get the parts or help, then finally walk you through my installation process and show you the results..."

Frame Lifts (example)": "Lifts come in many shapes and sizes but fundamentally, they are used to raise the vehicle...or "lift" it higher than its original height. There are many reasons why people might want or need a lift to include...."

Good luck with the presentation!!
