I need prayers


New member
Hi everyone. I really need some prayers for my family. My father had a stroke on Thursday. My family is hanging on by a thread. My handicapped nephew, who is also a stroke victim, lives with my father.

My father is his life and vice versa. My dad is one of those guys that you meet once in a lifetime. A really true good guy. He helps out the homeless people in our town and he's just a real gem. He is making good progress but I really would appreciate some prayers.
He has been walking a little bit. His arm is the real problem. He did make a "pinch" with his finger yesterday. His mental faculties are fabulous. I think he is sharper now than ever if that is possible. His speech is great as well. Things look positive but it's a long road ahead. My mom is gone, so it's my sister and I. It's really rough for us and we are just barely keeping it together.
The fact he takes care of my nephew is really a large factor in all this mess. My nephew has a paralyzed hand/arm and now my father does too. It's really hard to handle. Please pray for us to whoever it is you happen to pray to. We really need it. Thank you much. :)

I'll be thinking of you too. It's good to hear that he is talking and has no loss of mental faculties though.
Our prayers are with you and your family. If you don't mind give us your dad's name and he will be added to our prayer group.
You got 'em.

Remember to take care of yourself by getting plenty of sleep and good meals. You will not be able to accomplish what will be necessary over the next few weeks otherwise.

Don't forget to contact some of those groups he has been involved with as well. People like your dad probably have a number of folks who are more than willing to help if they are asked.

Blessings on you and your family.

Don't forget to contact some of those groups he has been involved with as well. People like your dad probably have a number of folks who are more than willing to help if they are asked....

what a great idea!
Prayers are on their way for you and yours from the muds. Just remember, worry solves nothing, only makes things worse. Be strong!
Thanks for asking. He's doing better. He can shuffle around with a walker now. His arm is slow, but he can make a grip with his hand. Mentally he's great... very positive. He wants to go back to work.

It's really rough seeing your father struggling. You think they are way too strong for that. He hasn't smoked ( he's has no access) in 3 weeks now.. he's on the patch. He smoked 3 packs a DAY. He says he will never smoke another one. I hope to God he won't. It's been a horrible ordeal.... as if having no medical insurance wasn't a big enuff kick in the pants, someone smashed into his car while he's been in there... his pride and joy Camaro. Of course we couldn't find the registration or insurance papers for it......we were not going to tell him until later, BUT.. we had to. He said it's the least of his problems.
He's a real trooper. It's slow going.. but they are kicking him out of the hospital in 2 weeks. I hope he's ready.... it's one thing to be under care in there.. and another to be set free and on your own with a disability... I hope it goes okay. Thank you for prayers everyone.... keep them coming.
I witnessed it in a much more minor way with both of my parents.

I ended up in the hospital with the same strain of pneumonia that took Jim Henson's life. It was a struggle. I did give up cigarettes during that 15 day stay.

I am so glad for me, for my family and for my friends that I was able to.

Give your Dad my best wishes! He continues in my prayers!