IF you had to get new M/T's, which ones?

Keep in mind, I have KMs, not KM2s, but the performance from what I gather is very similar.

The mud terrains are going to be noisier on road than the ATs. When I first had my KM's put on I couldn't believe how loud it was, but before long I got used to it and I don't even notice it anymore. They are decent in the rain but I can't imagine that they'd be better than the AT's as they're not even siped. I think the AT's have a bit of siping. Like just about any mud terrain tire, they'll be decent in loose, fluffy snow, but not so great in hard packed snow or ice. Same with sand. They will be MUCH better in the mud than the ATs though.

So basically, to summarize, if you switch to KM2s from ATs, you'll see improved performance in 1) Mud 2) Loose snow and 3) Sand while probably losing performance in hard packed snow/ice and possibly water.

If I were you, I'd look at something like an MT Baja Claw. It looks like a really aggressive mud tire, but the lugs are close enough together that it's actually classified as an AT. You'd get better grip in the mud than with your ATs, I'm willing to bet. Just a thought.
get some Falken wildpeak tires, just got a pair myself. check them out. and not extremely expensive got a set of 4 for $550