I'm seeing Red

low washer light stays on!

Yeah, I didn't think about that MUD. I hope the Brits don't harass LadyJeepFreak too much. :? :shock:
Special_K said:
Whew. Now that 90 & Mingez have hugged and made up... :D

TwistedCopper said:
Are you sayin' George W. Bush ain't a God fearin' Christian???
(Spoken in the voice from the old pitcher in "Major League" when he asks the slugger: "Are you sayin' Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball"???) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Weeeell, let me say first that it's clearly not my call whether he is or isn't, BUT I do have some serious reservations about it...talk is cheap.

Whatever the case, I don't think a President should wear his religion on his sleeve. He doesn't have to hide it...no one does, but there has to be a bit of respect for the fact that he is not a pastor leading a congregation...he is a President leading a very diverse nation. You can maintain your values and govern respectfully and appropriately at the same time.

I hope you realize that post was supposed to be funny. After I read your post I had a mental image of that scene from Major League. That's all.

Why should W not wear his religion on his sleeve? Are you saying he should go into the closet? He was elected wearing it on his sleeve, and he should do as he has always done. He should be himself, and not a politician - that's one of the things that makes him appealing. He has not tried to impose his beliefs on anyone. Don't you think that maybe saying he appears as a Pastor leading a congregation is an exaggeration? His references to God are very generalized. I don't buy that. Just about every single president made reference to God in their speeches. Maybe this freaks people out so much because he actually believes it.

Why is it that everyone is asked tolerate and diverse belief or lifestyle, but when you mention Christianity it is the opposite? Get in the closet you bible thumping jesus freak! I know you were referring to the president, but that seems to me the motif in this country and it really pisses me off. It is the ultimate hypocracy. Again I don't really apply that last thought to what you said, but I wanted to throw it out there while it was on my mind.

Ladies and Jellybeans,
Hobos and Tramps,
Cross-Eyed mosquitos and Bow-Legged Ants.
I come before you to stand behind you,
To tell you something I know nothing about.
On this Thursday a week from next Friday,
There will be a womens meeting for men only.
Admission is free, pay at the door.
Pull up a chair and sit on the floor.
I'll tell you a story you've not heard before.

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot one another.

A deaf policeman heard the noise,
Pulled his pistol and stabbed the boys.
Now they live on the corner in the middle of the block
In the upstairs of the downstairs of a vacant lot
If you don't believe this lie is true
Go ask the blind man, he saw it too.

Just dropping in, don't mind me... :)

I'm done with the politics, at least for 4 years,
To be honest, they give me the creeps.
Me thinks we should sit 'round, and have us some beers,
Of course, after riding our JEEPS.

To a place that is muddy, and bumpy, and wet
And should one of us perchance get stuck.
Then we'd all come together, and together we'd sweat
As we pulled out the other guy's truck (wondering what was gonna rhyme with stuck, weren't you?) :twisted:

And after the trails, and the bumps, and the fun,
We'd look at our dirt-covered heeps.
And we'd stand, and we'd laugh, and we'd cheer all as one
'Cause we all love to work out our Jeeps

And should it not happen, it's still a nice thought
To go trailing with the finest of peeps (bear with me here, I just woke up)
In the end, though on matters we all may have fought
Those people are found here on JEEPZ!!!

Here's to everyone! I love seeing everyone's different opinions. To totally disagree on something, and the next minute be helping someone out with a problem is a perfect example of all that is right in this country. I'm in a poetic mood, sorry for the long post... Catch you all later

Saurian, a poet, eh??.........I play guitar and am thinking I'll put that to music!!! You said it so much more eloquently than I. :lol:
Twisted Copper Wrote:

Why is it that everyone is asked tolerate and diverse belief or lifestyle, but when you mention Christianity it is the opposite?


TwistedCopper said:
I hope you realize that post was supposed to be funny. After I read your post I had a mental image of that scene from Major League. That's all.

I detected the humor and thought it was funny. :lol: <---This was me. ...but I also thought the question was real so I, uhh...answered. :?

TwistedCopper said:
Why should W not wear his religion on his sleeve? Are you saying he should go into the closet?

He doesn't have to go into the closet...never meant that. Anyone in that position just has to be careful not to go overboard in pronouncing it. I threw that last point in more as a cautionary warning. Let's just say we agree more than disagree on this issue.

Cheers? :) :)

Now, can we all go have a beer (or Kool-Aid for those under 21) or something and fuggedaboutit for a while? 8)
mud4feet said:
Saurian, a poet, eh??.........I play guitar and am thinking I'll put that to music!!! You said it so much more eloquently than I. :lol:

Of course, the first half before Just dropping in... is an old folk rhyme that we passed around as kids... That bottom half about Jeeps, and all the fine folk that drive them, that's all me...

I play drums, small world... I like to write poems, stories, short plays, stuff like that in my spare time... Jeep's full of half-finished work...

Saurian said:
mud4feet said:
Saurian, a poet, eh??.........I play guitar and am thinking I'll put that to music!!! You said it so much more eloquently than I. :lol:

Of course, the first half before Just dropping in... is an old folk rhyme that we passed around as kids... That bottom half about Jeeps, and all the fine folk that drive them, that's all me...

I play drums, small world... I like to write poems, stories, short plays, stuff like that in my spare time... Jeep's full of half-finished work...

You should share some of that. I'd like to hear em.
Uh, Bush won that one too ;)

Gore and the Dems were the ones creating the frenzy in Florida, not Bush.

For the record, after all the ballots were counted and the "dimpled from being stacked together in an attempt at massive voter fraud" were discounted, Bush won florida handily.

The difference is Bush won by a wider electoral margin and also got the majority of the popular vote this time, so Kerry really hadn't a chance to try to let lawyers overturn it, although Edwards still wanted to try.