I'm selling my YJ


New member
I am premature in posting this because y'all are going to ask all kinds of questions which I will have no idea how to answer. Just post your questions and Mud will answer them when he gets home. We really want a Willys wagon and we already have more vehicles than we can drive- including that stinkin' mini van back in North Carolina that I got stuck with when one of the kids renegged on the loan I signed for. Right now we have my '94 YJ and Mud's '03 TJ down here in Louisiana, and he drives a company truck. We need a vehicle with more room to haul all our musical instruments and our dogs. If anyone has a Willys wagon they want to trade, we may be able to work something out!

Well it's not like your getting rid of it for a Honda CRV or anything like that. I hope you two find a great deal on a waggy.
It was a tough decision because I love that Jeep- it has been the car of my dreams for the past 8 years (I'm the second owner), but it's time to make room for another Jeep!

including that stinkin' mini van back in North Carolina that I got stuck with when one of the kids renegged on the loan I signed for.

I feel for you. Been in that exact spot with the same type vehicle. Had to sell 2 vehicles just to get out from under that stupid van.
...including that stinkin' mini van back in North Carolina that I got stuck with when one of the kids renegged on the loan I signed for.

If it wasn't for the Ford Ranger that I got stuck with when my sister decided that she didn't want to pay for it anymore, which wouldn't have been a problem were it not in my name, I'd snatch that YJ up in a heartbeat... Always wanted one...

Best of luck on your search, and make sure that YJ's going to a good home where they'll treat it well...

Hey, hey, hey!!!!!!!!! Watch that potty mouth!!!!!:purple: :purple: :purple: :purple: :purple:

Besides, it's not mine yet...............still belongs to the bank.:(

:lol: Just thought I'd stir the pot a little...
YJ to Willy's Wagon? The only next better upgrade would be from YJ to TJ.:purple: You people with your square eyes......:shock:
Hey if you can't find anyone to trade for the willys, I'd be very interested in buying it. Let me know what happens. Good luck