Instant Messengers, What do you use?


New member
I just recently downloaded Trillian (finally) and I must say, being someone who frequently IM's people, it's pretty darn convenient. It allows you to combine your AIM YIM ICQ and MSN messenger under one application.

What Messenger service do you use?

I have AIM, Yapoo and Messenger....but I just downloaded trillian...thanks for the tip

Used to use ICQ quite a bit, but it got too much spam and crap on it. Hate AIM and YIM because of loading troubles on startup, so I just plain don't use anything anymore.
all my friends use msn messenger... its pointless for me to download any other programs... and i dont know if the oher ones have the non download version.... i like that if i need to i can access it throu
I'm still using.......

I'm an AOL user, so I use the instant messenger in my AOL...

When my cable internet is working, that is...
antsinmypants said:
all my friends use msn messenger... its pointless for me to download any other programs... and i dont know if the oher ones have the non download version.... i like that if i need to i can access it throu

thats strange... around here, msn messenger is used by maybe 2 people that I know, me being one. AIM is definitely the most popular here. It also has a non-download version. I use yahoo messenger on my phone.
i'm in college, AIM is the dominant program. i tried trillian before, couldnt get used to it, and i didnt have a need for it as i never use any of the other programs anyways.

i've been using Trilllian Pro for years and love it. Yahoo is my preominant messenger but i do have friends on all major networks. The thing I love about Trillian Pro is I can be logged into 2 Yahoo accounts at the same time.
None of the above. Even though I'm an IT guy, I just don't feel the need to chat with my friends whilst online. I can get my message across well enough with an old fashioned email.
AIM here. Thought about tryin messenger or Trillan however i dont know anybody on those so havent done it yet.

WickedYJ said:
AIM here. Thought about tryin messenger or Trillan however i dont know anybody on those so havent done it yet.

trillian is a multi-messsenger application. It allows you to log into yahoo, icq, msn, aim, IRC, and a few others all with one messenger app. If you use more than one service, this is definitely the program to install. I don't chat a whole bunch but have a few friends on each of the services, this really makes it easy to keep in touch.
south442 said:
None of the above. Even though I'm an IT guy, I just don't feel the need to chat with my friends whilst online. I can get my message across well enough with an old fashioned email.

Tried AIM and MSN for a while, but now I don't use either. Last time I did was AIM in a Jeepz chat a long long time ago.

To me, the IM thing is kind of annoying. If there is a definate purpose to communicate email does the job, if I want to chat I'll use Ma Bell or my Cell.

TwistedCopper said:
............. if I want to chat I'll use Ma Bell or my Cell.

Good point, family are all new to the computer world, and it's been great fun chatting with my 82 year old mom on MSN and seeing the pleasure she gets from this "new" technology!!!! Plus, it's a whole lot cheaper than Ma Bell or the Cell.
mud4feet said:
Good point, family are all new to the computer world, and it's been great fun chatting with my 82 year old mom on MSN and seeing the pleasure she gets from this "new" technology!!!! Plus, it's a whole lot cheaper than Ma Bell or the Cell.

Yeah, when my folks got their computers I humored them with IM'ing. It din't last long.

Both my Cell and my landline have unlimited long distance.
Same thing with my mom-in-law when she got hooked on the internet. She kept calling me every other hour to either ask how to do something or to tell me to get online so she could send me a message......finally had to tell her my computer crashed and I lost the program!!