Interior color change


New member
As many of you know I bought a old ass jeep cherokee for my girlfriend as her first car a few months ago. The interior was blue, but in extremely good condition considering the cars age (1 tear throughout the whole thing), and it had some rust issues. Issues like holes through the metal. We tracked down the leaks and put new metal in, covering everything with rust preventative spray and rubberized undercoating. So far thats majority of what we have done, minus the driver seat and rear bench painted. We used Duplicolor Vinyl and Fabric spray paint, which is awesome stuff, fabric is still soft and vinyl has the same amount of give and it doesn't crack.

We got the car for 1200 and we're probably going to run it til its death (unless a new motor goes in, because the body is in good shape). She plans on keeping it for a long time, so she is going to do accents in pink :rolleyes:, but they're just going to be little things so if we sell the car we can go over them in black. Overall its going to look 100x better, minus the pink.










All seats painted and rear installed. Front carpet done and padding cut.

We're in the process of getting the rear panels painted, might be a few days though since I work.

Cool! I didn't know you could paint fabric and vinyl. Looks good.
Thanks :). Yea this stuff is awesome. We've got it wet and nothing comes up, same with scratching it hard. No flaking, no cracking, nothing. You can push the vinyl in completely, same flexibility but again, no cracking or anything, very cool stuff. I see it lasting quite a long time

Thanks! We got most of the carpet in today. Getting it to fit properly is a PITA! Might upload pics tomorrow or just wait until all the seats/carpet is done before. After that the only thing left is dash and door panels.