Iraqi Election


New member
Well I was pleased to see the turnout and the display of courage and a strong desire for democracy despite all the attacks.

I have had many mixed feelings about the war in Iraq, but no matter what my views I imagine it would be hard for any American to not feel good about watching people who have lived under a dictator's rule exercise freedoms they never enjoyed before. Amazing that such a short time ago they would have been tortured or killed and even put their families at risk for even speaking of a democracy let alone women being allowed to have a voice.

14 million voted and 44 killed (9 of those were attackers). That's the reports I'm reading.

We can debate the causes and effects of this war till the cows come home but there's no denying that this is a good thing, possibly for the entire world as they are all watching.

Here a man dips his finger in ink to show he has voted so they can avoid people voting more than once. I imagine these inky fingers could get them in a tight spot should they run into an insurgent :shock: :

Agreed, all the different facets could be argued 'til the cows come home. But they citizens turned out and showed what the majority wants, a voice. Good point on inky fingers making you a target, I bet there were a lot of gloves or hands in pockets afterwards.
Imagine being one of those people today. Their whole life they have lived in fear, forbid to even discuss freedom and liberty.......and now to be able to participate in a free election. Even if you don't agree with one single step taken that led to this event, you still have to feel good about the changes that have come for these people.

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Im just worried that those elected will just be quickly killed target of agression.
Hopefully, those elected will establish a "working" government, get their "defences" online, and we can bring our boys home!!!!!!
It takes huge cojones to turn up on a vote in that climate. Kudos to all involved, no arguement from me that the election thus far is a good thing.

I agree with everyone and thing this was a great event. I just wonder how long it will really take to get our boys out of there. From what I heard this election was for another interim govt with a main purpose of drafting a constitution. Then on Dec. 15 there is supposed to be another vote for a recognized govt. So, does that mean we will be there atleast another year, probably 2??
It was chilling and exciting to watch the people as they voted or as they exited. They had smiles on their faces, some shouted in joy, some even danced a little jig. You could really tell they were excited to be voting.

We need some of that enthusiasm around here.

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Agreed on all points. I watched the news with anticipation and was happy to see the information about turnout. I saw the ink pictures too. Those people were very brave to come out and vote in that situation.

I worry for the winners as well, but of course I worry for practically the whole darn world in one way or the other. What can I say. I just wish them all the very best on all sides concerned US and otherwise.
