Jeep Car Alarm Questions

It also offers a little bit of peace of mind. I know that if I have an alarm on my Jeep and it goes off, noone will pay any attention to it but me and the thief. If I'm at home and hear it, I'll be greeting anyone inside of my Jeep that is not a family member with a 357. If i'm not around, the siren MIGHT scare off the thief on its own. I would think that if they set the alarm off they are not going to stick around for long, maybe just grab what's in sight and go.

But everyone is right, If they want it, they will take it. I just want to stop the petty thieves from taking things out of it. If they take the Jeep, it's insured. But if they take a few hundred dollars worth of electronics or tools or whatever, it really pisses me off. Not enough to claim on insurance but just enough to dent the pocket book.

I've had it happen two too many times and will at least get an alarm. That way I can tell myself that I at least tried to stop the scum.
It will keep the honest, honest but on a jeep you can cut the wires to the siren in about 5 seconds. You do not have to get into the vehicle to pop the hood. Then peace and quiet while they steal your brand new cd player and amp, but like I said it will cut out the punk kid next door from messin with it.

leave it open to everyone, then they think that there is nothing to be gained if you leave it open. I am lucky I park between Vipers, Benz, volvo and the such. Most crooks think I am the Janitor :D