Jeep caving...

Yeah, didn't work for me either. I think your link is wrong. It redirects me to

red93 said:
It's funny though they get lost in this cave for like 2 hours.

Shoot, I'd never get lost in a cave . . . I would just follow the trail of light blue paint along the cieling and walls back to the entrance!
Hmmm i'll try to find it again. At times he has like half an inch of clearance. They find some german writing and when they're tryin to find their way out they pass it a couple times. He almost drops off about a 6 foot drop in the dark too. There's 3 jeep down there total. Something you'll never see me do.

Driving a Jeep in a cave? Must have good air flow if the exhaust didn't get to them. Sounds like fun, but more dangerous than usual...not something I plan on trying.

I don't know what to think about that. One side of me says its a great way to get yourself killed/asphyxiated; the other side says that it looks like a blast and gives me a reason to actually visit France...
Thanks for gettin the link i haven't had time to look for it again. A blast? I see nothing in that that even remotely looks like fun to me. I've been caving and been as many as 3 miles into a cave, but there is no way i'm taking a loud vibrating jeep underground with so many tons of rock above me.
I dunno, I'm kinda with Randall on this one. I think it looks like fun. It's someplace new to go Jeeping, someplace that provides quite a challenge in fitting one's Jeep into those caves. It may be dangerous because of the exhaust gases or vibrations, but in the right cave, where these things wouldn't be a problem, I think it would be a blast.

Dont ask me how but I got into a drainage ditch next the free way and this led to a tunnel. What the heck I made it this far I am not letting a dark freaky tunnel stop me know. Went through it and it was probably 1/4 mile long shaped like an S. Saw all kinds of swaztica's and gang stuff. Really weird scairy writing down there. Got the the end and there lay a river. That's my jeep caving experience.
I've worked in too many confined spaces to go into anything without ventilation... especially with a combustion engine running!