Jeep Died - Any Ideas?

I'll look into buying/borrowing a vacuum gauge then. Thanks. On a side note, Advance Auto Parts said they don't carry the hose I need for the PCV system. I guess I'll just get a length of hose the diameter I need and cut it to fit.
I won't go into the SEVERAL bad experiences I have had with Jeep gas gauges, but I'll tell you about a friend of mine's experience. It was quite embarrassing when they called him back from the repair shop(after towing it there) to tell him he was out of gas. Dumb*ss.

MC 2100 issues

HaHaHa. I resemble that remark. I'm glad I didn't have to be towed to the shop to find out it was just out of gas. Towing isn't cheap. Not to mention the toll on one's pride. Maybe I should have kept this one to myself :oops: