RE: checked on my block today...
SO yesterday I am driving to austin from glen rose texas (out in the proverbial middle of nowhere) and I am cruising along at a steady 65 or so mph, when jeepy dies. I lost all power and coasted to the side of the road. There are two possibilities in my opinion, 1) the alt has not been charging the battery and its been running off total batt. pwr and finally ran down (the easy solution --which I hope to confirm today) OR 2) I lost the timing chain and I am soooo screwed. I dont even have my Haynes manual out here (although I do have my toolkit). I was able to jump the starter and confirm that the motor has not seized, it will crank, but that wont tell me if the timing chain is gone. Any thoughts y'all? Thanks
SO yesterday I am driving to austin from glen rose texas (out in the proverbial middle of nowhere) and I am cruising along at a steady 65 or so mph, when jeepy dies. I lost all power and coasted to the side of the road. There are two possibilities in my opinion, 1) the alt has not been charging the battery and its been running off total batt. pwr and finally ran down (the easy solution --which I hope to confirm today) OR 2) I lost the timing chain and I am soooo screwed. I dont even have my Haynes manual out here (although I do have my toolkit). I was able to jump the starter and confirm that the motor has not seized, it will crank, but that wont tell me if the timing chain is gone. Any thoughts y'all? Thanks