My wife named my Jeep "Jezabell" as it is the other woman in my life. She says I spend more time money and effort on my jeep than I do her. Who am I to fight this logic any way! My Jeep never says no! Tug
My friends named mine Jeeppicus (it's Roman) when we had to make a video about the fall of the Roman empire. We filmed the video 20 miles "from the paved road" and my Jeep was the only 4x4 we had that could make it all the way back there.[addsig]
Agree with whatever name errrrrupts from my lungs when the Jeep breaks. Of course when it does poop out on me, it's always the Jeep's fault, not my driving skills or questionable decisions. Matt.[addsig]
Buff.(Fem.)(Chuck´s unabashed dictionary). Because she spends alot of time wallowing around in the mud. Also answers to someofabeach (spanish seems to work better), and an assortment of explitives. Also runs around with her top off on occasion (in the buff).[addsig]