Jeep Scavenger Hunt.

Here's my Heep in the snow.


If it works, how about your Jeep recovering another manufacturers 4x4 (Hummer, Land Rover, etc)

I have never been offroad with anything but jeeps. The closest I've ever been to running with a different make was a liberty. Lol. The whole time I couldn't believe that guy was riding with us. Lmao. I know it's still a jeep, but...
I pulled a truck out of the ditch one winter. Didn't take picks :(
Here's my Heep in the snow.

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If it works, how about your Jeep recovering another manufacturers 4x4 (Hummer, Land Rover, etc)

I find it hard to believe that no one has pictures of another rig hooked up behind their Jeep in a recovery?

I think we need to enforce the set time limit. the challenge isn't completed in "x" amount of time the next person to log on can pick something else..?


6. After 5 days if the picture hasn't been posted then the previouse winner can go again.
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I'm new to the forums, but I saw a post earlier about a Jeep next to a barn. And since I haven't put the new battery in it yet, that is the only photo I can hang with lol.

Sorry for the delay...

If no recovery photos, how about your "Jeep Twin" as my wife would say.

Identical color jeeps next to each other or at least in same photo. Bonus points if they are the same year and model!

My baby brother. If he's still there when I leave the bar, then I'll get a good shot


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Here. I see some differences now that I am up close, so we are far from twins. :(


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My MuddyBuddy friends on display at a carnival.

Next: you dancing while standing on a jeep


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I posted one. And here is another one. I want someone dancing on a jeep. What do you want? Lets get this hunt moving!