Jeep vs Hummer video

Holy crap, I'm so ****ed after watching that hummer vid! Everything those H2s were doing ANY STOCK JEEP could pull off with no problem. And that Lions back thing? Like jumppr said, wasn't even a jeep, not to mention the brakes went out during the decent... (it was on one of those xtreme video shows). The thing that really got me is the fact they were making fun of a pimped out Cherokee... ummm there are a ton more pimped out H2s than jeeps. Grrrr, I want to back into their pretty H2 grill with my tow hook.
That guy sux...shows how gay he is when he flips off the camera at the end. The commander can pull off more stuff than that crappy H2.

Well, you have to admit the guy has a point in the pro-hummer video:

It shows the wrecked "Jeeps" (30% of which weren't even Jeeps, as previously mentioned), then it says "All the modifications in the world won't help. It will NEVER be a..." and cuts to a shot of an H2. You're right, sir. No matter how many modifications I make to my TJ, it will never be a piece of **** Chevy Tahoe with a bloated whale body on it. THANK GOD!!!

P.S. This really makes me want to go out and buy an "H2 Recovery Team" decal, but I shall resist the urge. :)
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yeah... watching that video certainly wasn't good for the blood pressure. I can't believe someone took the time to put that video together.

90growler said:
That guy sux...shows how gay he is when he flips off the camera at the end. The commander can pull off more stuff than that crappy H2.
