Jeep Wave Higherarchy


New member
Was repremanded by a fellow Jeeper at the local convienient store here, for (would you believe it or not) waving at him FIRST. He has a stock YJ and said that since I have a lifted, muddy TJ with big tires, cb and other mods, I should "never initiate a wave unless it's an equally moded out YJ, or any CJ.
I'm not looking for posts about the wave (God knows we've had enough of those :lol: ), but I'm wondering if anyone actually follows this "higherarchy". I read this website, and took it as a bit of humour, nothing more than that.

pic in sig...

How silly LOL Jeep is a Jeep, none are better. Wave because you enjoy being a Jeeper, not because there are "rules" If you bring rules into this, it is just another worldly organization. Sorry but if I have to follow these "waving rules" I will just have to say screw anyone that thinks I have to wave first, before they give me the time of day.
Jeep hierarchy my a#@ ! Jeep is a jeep. Just wave and go on, I get disgusted sometimes because other jeepers will look directly at me while I wave at them and they never return the wave. No big deal just annoying sometimes. You can't control others, just yourself. KEEP WAVING.

What hierarchy? That's a load of crap if i ever heard it. I wave to Jeeps despite what they have done to it. Just keep wavin no matter who waves first.
how do I get the windshield down???

The only rule for the wave is "Whoever sees the other Jeep first, waves first." UNLESS the Jeep is lowered, then there should be no waving, just the beating of the driver. :mrgreen:

I would really appreciate it if you did not talk to me about the hierarchy, you onlyhave 33 inch tires and I have 35's so I am "better moded out" than you! you have not earned that right!!


Honestly who gives a fish hook!

I wave, wave back if you want, if ya don't want to cause the size of my tires then don't cause it is not the size that counts, it is how you wheel it!!

Here is the higherarchy

A jeeper ALWAYS waves to a jeeper, if he/she feels like it
A non jeeper ALWAYS waves to either a jeeper or a non jeeper, if he/she feels like it
A jeeper ALWAYS waves to either a jeeper or a non jeeper, if he/she feels like it

simple as that... and if someone is not seen waving, then he/she either doesn't feel like waving, was busy with something else, didn't see the other vehicle to wave to, or doesn't know about the wave

sounds simple... there are the rules
Amen to Snitty.

This is normal at my house:

Kevin is out in the front yard and a car/truck/suv/motorcycle passes by
Kevin waves
Kevin's wife: "Who was that?"
Kevin: "I don't know"
Kevin's wife: "Then why are you waving?"
Kevin: "To be nice"

Can't we all just get along!

lmao guys. You are killing me today as I read these posts. I do like the Poll feature though, it's neat.

I noticed since I got my JEEP that only TJ's wave at me. Why is that? The rest too good for it? oh well. I also do hate those, even TJr's that stare me down but don't wave. Hell with them. :evil:
trying to figure out my lost with all the bull Ch*t...
I started the little jeep wave topic here in Jeepz and I stand by it.. I wave to any other jeeper on the road. We are a special breed of drivers who know that our Jeeps are not SUV's but real honest off road machines.
I dont care if your lifted or locked or stock. CJ,YJ, or TJ. and yes even a liberty...we are all JEEPSTERS! so wave at them all.

waving is a sign of acknowledgement, and is not anything like bowing down... it is done to show that you see the person there and acknowledge their presence... and with jeeps, is used also to show togetherness

I am incline to agree about waving to everyone in a jeep no matter how it looks. As long as you have pride in your ride it's all good.

Happy trails.. OlllllO