Jeep waving RULES>>>


paintmaine - i know what you mean (well i'm a girl, but i get the concept). i waved at a guy, and i dont think he knew about the jeep wave because he just lowered his sunglasses and was looking at me (possibly thinking, "do i know that girl?" OR "is she hitting on me?"). so i just smiled :-D [addsig]

Randomjeeper you rock just keep waving, I always get the
look like you need to wash that dirty thing and why are you
waving at me...... :-? :-? :-? [addsig]


I guess liberty's are in a class of thier own, never wave back, and give you some bad looks. :cool: :cool: :cool: [addsig]

They are a Jeep but I am not sure what kinda Jeep
but Just wave anyways ...It will pay off in the long
run and you are doing your Part....... :p :roll: :p [addsig]

Well, about waving to the Liberty Jeeps, I am not really into that because to be honest with you, most, not all, Liberty drivers tend to be soccer moms and people like that like the look rather than the offroad capabilities and Jeep spirit. There is nothing wrong with that, but I feel those drivers will just think we are crazy for waving at them. Just my opinion.-al[addsig]


I'm sure JHIGGINS can back me up on this one. I would say 90% of Texas Jeepers do the wave, but when you live in a state like Texas where EVERYONE waves regardless of what anyone drives, it's makes the job of waving easy and almost second nature. Just drive down any farm to market road in the Lonestar State and you'll see what I mean![addsig]

Grew up in Big "D", graduated a Red Raider and now reside in the lovely metropolis of San Angelo, Tejas! The trails are nice, but I'd sure like to see some trees in West Texas![addsig]


Well I am glad to hear you are a fellow Texan...and we might have
to get together to do a wheelin' .......... :-O [addsig]

Around here in Northern VA only Jeepers with CJ, YJ, and TJ do the wave (and that is only like 80% of them) Anyone in a Cherokee or Liberty knows nothing about the wave. Maybe when/if my girlfriend gets her Liberty I can change that........ ;-) :-D [addsig]


It is Nice to see the Jeep-ettes Wave. Last weekend I actually saw 2 gorgeous Jeep-ettes in a YJ they were a good distance off and a few cars between us, but they returned the wave. Even the passenger. That really put a grin on this Baby-TJ owners face.[addsig]

I guess liberty's are in a class of thier own, never wave back, and give you some bad looks. :cool: :cool: :cool:

I actually had a liberty wave at me the other day. I was like what the hell???? That was the first liberty owner who has ever waved at me :) [addsig]


actually Jeep just sent a memo out to all liberty own's telling them yes you are a jeep and its ok to wave[addsig]