Jeep withdrawls


New member
Why it really took too long to evacuate New Orleans

Well, as hard as it is to say it, summer is coming to an end, and my Jeep still isn't finished. It's been over 2 months since I last drove it, and damnit, I miss driving the heep! It's been two months of no more last minute trips to Hollister where I leave at 10pm with some buddies and drive on the freeway with no top or doors freezing cold, running out of gas in the mountains b/c of the broken gas gauge, intoxicated passengers relieving themselves out the back on the freeway, hanging on for dear life whenever the Jeep hits a bump or the freeway bends, cheering on down-hills when the speedo actually hits 70mph, driving along side other rigs with no doors and carrying on conversations, and lets not forget the OFFROADING. Man, the CJ was modestly built, but she tore it up in 4 wheel drive! I have a pic I'll have to post one of these days of the Jeep nearly verticle with a wheel 5 feet in the air. Oh, I miss being able to drive my Jeep.

RE: course of action-engine advice needed

I saw my neighbor drive the 88 YJ I sold him a while back. Rear main is fixed, top and doors were off, and he had the MC2100 put in it. Looked and sounded great. I'm so bored with my XJ, but mainly because I haven't been able to go wheelin since early spring. It's not as fun on the street as a SWB Jeep by any means. I can't wait till we are moved, the baby is a little older, and I can hit Rausch Creek :(

Woe is us. Oh, well it'll just be that much sweeter when you get yours back and mine sees some off road action.
RE: Why it really took too long to evacuate New Orleans

that feeling will never go away. I havent had any Jeep in almost 3 years now and i still have the same feelings as you do after 2 months without Jeep. the bad part is, there is no 12 step program, there is no help hotline, but what people like you and me do have is a great support group. its called Jeepz. i feel your pain brother.
RE: course of action-engine advice needed

i was going to sell my jeep for a huge F350, but before i did that i put it in storage and brought the cobra out and after a few days i put the cobra back and brought the jeep back out. I dont think i could ever part with it. My Xj is a diffrent story haha.