Jeep won't start after replacing the clutch


New member
I just replaced my clutch assembly, slave and mater cylinders in my 2001 Wrangler Sport 4.0. After I got everything back together I tried to do a little test drive and got nothing when I turned the key and got nothing no click.....nothing. All of the lights and radio came on. I'm not real sure what is messed up now. Ideas?

I probably cant be of much help, but don't the newer systems have a safety switch somewhere in the clutch system that wont let it start unless the clutch is pressed in. I know my car wont do anything unless the clutch in pressed. find that switch and see if its being activated. Might be it
That was the problem with mine when i replaced the master cylinder. I just taped the 2 wires together. now you can start it without the clutch pressed in. comes in handy sometimes.