Jeeps on TV


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So today I was watching Macgyver, for the first time in about 8 years. I finally realized what kind of car he drove. He drives a YJ!!! He was already my hero for being able to make anything with nothing, but now that he drives a jeep his coolness factor is through the roof. Just thought Id share that.


YEAH, Macgyver is awesome. They should start showing that show again. What channel did you see it on?-al

I'll probably get called a stupid young kid with no appreciation for old tvs shows, but what is Daisy??
Thanks, I am bored so im checking it out right now. I have tonight off work, so all im doing is sitting online and maybe later i might go play some scratch-off lottery at work

macguyver had a renegade in the earlier episodes also.
speaking of jeeps on tv, if asnyone gets the outdoor channel on cable/satellite, they have a few 4x4 shows on . no set time or days.superlift,4x4 tv and four wheeling are the 3 shows ive seen.

I was watching The Terminator the other day (part 1) and at the end the Sara Conner character is driving around in a CJ... I never noticed till now, I havn't seen it in years!
Daisy Duke:


For you young 'uns out there, If you've ever heard of short shorts being called 'Daisy Duke's', the picture shows why.

Radio for jeep

The Outdoor Channel lineup is on Wednesday night. I went ahead and paid the $1.99 extra on the satellite service just to get that one extra channel. They call it Wednesday night Horsepower TV. They have a Jet Ski show, one for ATV's, then some show about SUV's and pickups then they have Superlift's show. I think the Superlift show is at 8:30 CST.
The Superlift show is hosted by Trent McGee. It's pretty decent ... beats watching Raymond re-runs.

L33TJ33P said:
MY GOODNESS Daisy was a HOTTIE!!!!!!!

Lol! Man, back in the mid 80's she was the hottest thing on tv. (Except for maybe that chick on the fall guy) Plus she knew how to drive that Jeep. I was in LOVE! :lol:
Plus she knew how to drive that Jeep. I was in LOVE!

I think I am in love... I mean a girl that can and likes to drive a jeep... Its hard get any better than... but wait... I do have it better than that... My little Jeep girlie... loves jeeps and off-roading and has a rubicon to go with her

John carpenters vampires has a TJ in it.Lifted with probably 33's and tons of day lighters!Not to mension a warn winch and skulls all across the hood!This jeep is rad!

Alicia Silverstone drives a White yj in Clueless............. Love that movie :lol: