trail rides?


None that are too far out of line ( like full size spare for example).

But but but....a 31x10.50 wont fit on my tire carrier...and I don't have the dough for a custom carrier. :-:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-:)-([addsig]

I was told I was claimed by Dingus, but I don't think it's very fair. There are a lot more of you than me, and I should get to pick!! I'm just playin. It would be a good time to go out and finally get to meet everyone. I'd like to take my girls jeep if she has it in time. It would probably handle the trip better than mine would.[addsig]


What about a real Jeep adventure and come to Alaska. I have some trails up here that make the pic's of Tug's look like a preschool for jeepers. :lol: :lol: :lol: (just kidding Tug) Anyways I will just have to enjoy the great pic's you post. Sounds like it would be a blast to get a bunch of us in one spot and get real dirtty. :-D [addsig]

Alaska Been there did that. 8.5 years up there and it was an adventure. My 1st wife was an Alaskan born red head pool shark! I have many friends and two wonderful daughers that live there.

There would be no place better to go on a trip to and if any of you ever get the chance to go, GO. Just a few miles out of any town there and you are in the wilderness. The only draw back is the distance in getting there.

I have driven the Alcan Hwy. Once up and Twice Back to the lower 48. The Alcan alone is a real adventure. I once drove from Eartquake Park in the Turnagain Area of Anchorage to Johnson City Tennessee in 5.5 days in an Isuzu 4x4 Pick up. That is 4500 miles you do the math cause Tug was rolling along at a good pace.

I have never been any place that was not special in it's own way. All you have to do is look and the treasure is always there for the taking. I have mostly lived in the south, Texas, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Then there was Connecticut, Alaska, Washington State, all were wonderful in there own ways.

I have traveled to all the other states other than our Island state Hawaii. No place was with out merrit. I even found something good in the Industrial Waste Lands of East Chicago, Indiana.

However I am happest here in my home land of Tennessee. I left here as soon as I was old enough to do so and the one day I just could not wait to come home. I was blessed to go a bunch of places and most of your towns has tugs foot prints in them or at least tire tracks.

We are all lucky to just get to live in this country. Alaska is a great place but it has nothing on anywhere else if you take the time to search the landscape, meet the people, taste the local flavor, and learn something about where you are. I have never been any where that I did not like. Tug[addsig]


This get together sounds great. I know Im new to the group but I would luv to meet some of you guys (and gals). There a couple great places to run up here in Mich. In the middle of the state there is a town called Grayling. Just outside of this town is a military base. 100 miles easy of trails made by tanks and hummers. Some really wild stuff and all legal! Very sandy lots of hills a real hoot. If anyone is interested let me know and I get ya to where you want to go. If I could figure out how to post pics on the site Id post some. You might even get to see some bombing runs the trail go ariuond a fenced area where this actvity goes on. :cool: :-D ;-) Truly alot of fun!!! :lol: :lol: [addsig]

Hey Tug I though those track looked like yours. ====== O[lllll]O :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the nice words and I must say that you hit the nail on the head.

I myself was a long haul trucker for over 18yrs and as such, have been able to see a great deal of the country. But this is the first real place I have hung my hat long enough to call home.

I was born in Millington, Tenn., and maybe one day shall return to my roots.
But in the mean time I'll just tough it out up here. Wish youo the best and thanks again for the nice words and the reminder to us all, to be thankful for where we live and all we need to do is open ours eyes to see the beauty there. :cool: [addsig]


I'm in Michigan, so I could drive to the Badlands. Grayling sounds pretty cool too. Or again Silver Lake. I think everyone should come up here! Michigan is so pretty!![addsig]

I havent done Silver lake yet but I am planing to go there this spring or summer. Only a couple hour drive from me . Is it worth the trip? The brouchers on it pretty cool. Fourwheelinhoney Have you ever gone up to Drummond Island? I know they hold the Jamboree there twice this spring. Sounds like a neet trip. ;-) [addsig]

HA im still claiming robs daughter lol do a search for trail ride, and there should be several posts up with a lotta the info and previous ideas.[addsig]


There is no need for a single Jeepz get together. There is no place better than another to get together. The fact that we want to gather meet and ride together is proof enough that we have achieved a major goal. Bonds and friendships have been made through this site. If I had the extra time and money I would be out to see everyone that would have me on their trails.

Rob or PASmokeater and I have talked to each other several times about doing one here in Tennessee, but that is not to say that there should not be any number of the same all over this great country and world for that matter.

Bad Lands, Alaska, Michigan, anywhere that you can get a jeep off the pavement and meet the folks you know and trust here at jeepz is a great thing. If it is only two or three us or you that can get out and from friendships on and off the trails it will spill over to more and more.

Keeping it clean and a favorable activity is all that matters. Our trails have been closed by a few that cryed foul. Now it a our jobs to make the public and the forrestry people see that we are good people wanting to enjoy our sport and to tread lightly while doing so.

I hope all works out and I get to guide some of you over the trails here in this area. I more so hope that I will get to come visit you at you home areas. If we all get out and go where and when we can we will be doing a good thing. Promote the good jeeper image when you can. Plan a bunch of trips. Eat alot of Peaches and grow a big butt. lol tug[addsig]