Jenny in the Jeep Wrangler


Staff member
There's a new Jeep commercial out - part of Jeep's "Halftime in America" campaign.

Jeep “Jenny in the Jeep Wrangler” – The story of a young daughter who is adapting to a new life and a new city with her family. We see our characters reinvent, persevere and embrace the spirit of American resilience.

Wow. What an incredibly depressing commercial. So they had to move to a new town and to a smaller house, probably because of a divorce or death of the father, left all her friends, have to get up earlier and Mom had to get a job. But hey, they have a Jeep so all will be ok. Of course, they probably had a bmw suv but they'll manage.

Or is it just me?
Depressing to me to - I immediately thought of a divorce.

I liked the Clint Eastwood commercial because it had a "we've been kicked but we're getting back up feel". This commercial feels more like "things will never be as good as they were, but we'll get by".
in a way it is depressing but then again it seems like things are looking up for them and she understands that there can be an upside to downsizing, i like it

Sad..depressing..morose..pathetic! Whatever happened to the rugged fun Jeep commercials?

Yeah depressing. Why at the end of the commercial didn't the girl situp, smile a bit and inner-act with the family on a upbeat mode (a little happy ending). The old video was the shiz!!! A few minor tweaks and it could be re-run as an Old Spice commercial ?


Who in the he heck rides a buffalo? Cool old School commercial. I love seeing old jeeps when they are brand new.
I'm surprised . It's a solemn commercial indeed. It sure doesn't make me say I want one. Or gotta have it. It's more like I have to settle for one, given the circumstance we're in. The entire commercial expressed adjusting to less than before. Even the catch phrase at the end, "If we can't find a way, we'll make one." makes me think of dealing with recession and job loss. Match that with low prices less and they may have something.

I took it as, Mom (single parent) got a new job in a new town. Makes less and has to adjust. - Economy

No matter the real made up story. Wow I'm surprised.

i think they could of went another route with that commercial, we are not depressed ppl

I just finishe working in Michigan this week, mostly in Detroit....... Sad to see what happened to that city. For a minute, I had flash backs of Mogadishu......
My take is simple. The ole jeep got us through WWII, and it to too can get us through this recession.

Jeepz rock!

I hear what your saying, and not looking to debate, but how is jeep helping us through the recession? Lower prices? Better mpg? Improved reliability all the way around?
What the Jeep did for WWII is known. Just the below pic and most will relate the Jeep with the US military.

I look at a jeep as a simple vehicle. It's not the jeep that will physically take us out of the recession. It's a metaphor, for toughness, relentless perseverance etc. all the things we all can see in a jeep. Maybe we all as a people of this great nation can cowboy up just like the jeep has for about 70 years or so.

I'm starting to cry ....
Not really, but we will get through this. If not, I have a sick rig, I can hunt, and I will find me a dooms day preparer ....

Jeepz rock!