Jesse vs Don Imus

the power of the media.:(

they fed on him like a pack of wolves.
They sure did.

I don't agree with it, but it's business. TV and Radio are industries that make their money based on the popularity of the product. If they deem a political incorrect action by a radio host is going to hurt their bottom-line than the correct business action would be to cut that tumor off.

Not that it makes it right.
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Now they've canceled his radio show permanently. This has really gotten out of hand just because he said something sexist. It wasn't racist at all and plenty of people have said worse with far less punishment. Just listen to the rap coming from the car next to you.
I agree.

It's totally out of hand, but remember, it wasn't just a sexist statement that he made. He did call them Jigaboos as well. But the context was light-hearted (but still wrong) hence why I don't think cancelling his show is warranted. I mean, Charles Barkley even said "I don't think anyone should be fired for doing something wrong one time". Barkley can see thru the BS.

Don Imus is NO racist. Just an idiot. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him.

I haven't found where he said jigaboo yet. No one seems to write what he said, all they keep referring to is the nappy headed hos commment.

Imus never said jigaboo, not that it matters now anyway

Huh? Did you listen to the segment? :???: He did say it.

Go to the link I provided and watch the video. He said something to the effect of: "They should rename the teams to the Jigaboos and the wannabees."
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He said something about a Spike Lee film called the wannabees and the jigaboos. He wasn't talking about the girls. but i guess since he made comments about them its all inclusive to them.
He said something about a Spike Lee film called the wannabees and the jigaboos. He wasn't talking about the girls. but i guess since he made comments about them its all inclusive to them.

No no no...he was talking about the girls. He only said it was "like a spike lee film."

I'm not advocating his firing...I don't agree with it. I'm just passing on the info that he DID indeed say Jigaboo and he WAS indeed referring to the girls. listen to it again.

Huh? Did you listen to the segment? :???: He did say it.

Go to the link I provided and watch the video. He said something to the effect of: "They should rename the teams to the Jigaboos and the wannabees."

Imus did not say that, it was the guy he was talking to who said that part.
Go back to the 33 second mark of the tape.
The other guy said it, Imus agreed which makes him a part in it, but Imus didn't say that part.
Imus did not say that, it was the guy he was talking to who said that part.
Go back to the 33 second mark of the tape.
The other guy said it, Imus agreed which makes him a part in it, but Imus didn't say that part.

Ah, good call. I didn't realize it was the other guy. No wonder nobody mentioned that in the AP reports... :lol:

I kept thinking to myself "why is everyone so ****ed about the nappy headed ho's comment, and not the jigaboo one."

Makes more sense now, thanks.

God, that just makes this whole thing even stupider.
Haven't been on Jeepz for a couple days... hard to believe I missed this thread.

Well "I'm-an-ass" (aka Imus), just found out what it's like to be Sharptoned. Damn shame. I can't stand listening to Imus, he annoys me, and his comments were kind of stupid, merely because he should have known better and had the foresight to see something like this happening.

Al Shaftton and Jesse Jackhole are nothing more than extortionists. Jesse is far more effective at the extortion game, and Al is the king of blowing things out of proportion. IT's almost like they work in tandem to expose "racism" then extort money from businesses. They disgust me, and they are the biggest racists our country has today. Our nation, especially the black folks, would be far better off without the two of them.

Still, Imus is a moron. I don't believe he should have gotten fired, but we all know what today's society is like and it doesn't surprise me one bit. Corporations and organizations will drop anything with a racist tag like a bad habit. It is only natural for the networks to fold up like cheap lawn chairs over this :lol:
Has Sharpton apologized to the Duke lacrosse players yet?

they are not even going to charge that liar with making a false report and costing the taxpayers and those families hundreds of thousands of dollars.
They will probably offer her some counseling, for free of course.

we should start a website with a petition demanding that Sharpton apologize to them.
Haven't been on Jeepz for a couple days... hard to believe I missed this thread.

Well "I'm-an-ass" (aka Imus), just found out what it's like to be Sharptoned. Damn shame. I can't stand listening to Imus, he annoys me, and his comments were kind of stupid, merely because he should have known better and had the foresight to see something like this happening.

Al Shaftton and Jesse Jackhole are nothing more than extortionists. Jesse is far more effective at the extortion game, and Al is the king of blowing things out of proportion. IT's almost like they work in tandem to expose "racism" then extort money from businesses. They disgust me, and they are the biggest racists our country has today. Our nation, especially the black folks, would be far better off without the two of them.

Still, Imus is a moron. I don't believe he should have gotten fired, but we all know what today's society is like and it doesn't surprise me one bit. Corporations and organizations will drop anything with a racist tag like a bad habit. It is only natural for the networks to fold up like cheap lawn chairs over this :lol:

I agree with you whole heartedly on this.
Maybe I should watch a little more television? I have absolutely no idea who these people are (other than Michael Richards) and this is the first I've heard of any of this

Maybe I should watch a little more television? I have absolutely no idea who these people are (other than Michael Richards) and this is the first I've heard of any of this

Well I don't watch any TV except sports and occasionally see what the kids have on. I'm an AM radio junkie.