Just a reminder!


New member

Rick my Nephew came home from work day before yesterday. He is a big ol boy, good as gold. Come home from work he rides a lift bucket and cuts tree limbs away from power lines. Real strong never misses work.

Temple my Niece was helpen the boys jake and luke with their home work. Shes says hey Rick dont go anywhere I got supper almost ready. He says going to bust up some fire wood. Goes out for an arm load of wood comes in she says it is ready. Rick 36 never a sick day in his life says got heart burn worst I ever had going to the bath room. Throws up and has a massive heart attack. Youngest boy 10 says mom dad is on the bathroom floor and will not talk to me.

Temple works in the med field so starts CPR and has the oldest son 12 years old call 911. She works with him till they get there and they work for an hour till the chopper comes and takes him to the medical center where he red lines over and over for 2 more hours. He is gone now.

He was an off roaden , NASCAR loven, Big hearted Dad and husband. The kind of feller you dont want to mess with. Just bought a new house in Oct. and had big plans for the rest of their lifes together. Now my Niece has to get on with it. He will have a service tomorow night and soon we will carry him to a mountain top called Beauity Spot where we will sprikle his ashes. A fitting end to a good man.

This is just a reminder that we need to take the time to love one another and support each other. Cause we never know when our time will end here. Tug :-( [addsig]


sorry for your loss, and that of your families :-( [addsig]

thank you tug for the reminder, sorry for your loss...real sorry -JP

edited by: JP, Feb 26, 2003 - 10:23 PM[addsig]


Man, TUG, sorry to hear about that. Really makes you appreciate life, and realize that you should treat everybody as if it were the last time you see them, or they see you. Our prayers are with you and yours.[addsig]

Sorry to hear that Tug, Please know that my prayers will include you and your family. May the good Lord bless each and every one of you and remember to turn to Him in these times. [addsig]

So sorry Tug, Just last week here in Rhode Island we had that big night club fire that claimed 97 people. I used to frequent the Station which is only 5 miles from my house, although nobody I knew passed away some of my friends lost their loved ones. The whole club went up in 3 minutes, 194 injured and 97 died. So life is way to short, I have a much deeper appreciation for my family now...........BulletNews article Station fire(Band Great White)

edited by: Bullet3600, Feb 27, 2003 - 12:22 AM[addsig]


Very sorry to hear about that tug...its always hard losing a loved one. :-( [addsig]

I know what its like to be in the life threatening situations... My sorrows are with the family on that one.... best of wishes with all of you for this time and forever[addsig]

I'm really sorry to hear that Tug :-( My family will keep you and yours in our prayers... Thanks for the reminder. It's good to have a refresher to show how clueless we are when it comes time for our own candles to blow out. My heart goes with ya buddy. :-( [addsig]


I am so sorry our world has lost a wonderful man, who any of us would
be proud, if our boys, grew up to be:
of like soul, strength, and direction.

I will keep you and yours close to my heart, in the front
of my mind, and deep in my prayers, my Dear Brother TUG.

From what you have given me on this board;
I would claim any friend of yours as mine,
any thought of yours as wisdom,
and any experience of your's as gold.

I am bound to ask:
Is there a memorial fund, charity, kids college fund,
or anything that I can do from so far away,
either send me a private note
or post the info for your Jeepz.com,
whatever you feel comfy with.

I can't imagine anyone here, having a problem with you posting
info on how we could show our support for the family.

Thank you for your reminder,
it seems so easy to get caught up in the petty stuff,
forgetting the lessons of life that we must learn and endure.

Grand-Mother used to say, (Heavy Scottish accent)

Aye Laddie, ya be rememberin' only this,

Yesterday is the Past - You can't be changing it
Tommorow is the Future - surely, NOT a PROMISE

but --
TODAY, is truly! God's Gift - Don't Ya DARE be wasting it !
with your painfull sharing,
I promise to remember both of your words and lessons, daily.
My gratitude for your strentgh, bravery and true sharing.


edited by: USMPK9, Feb 27, 2003 - 10:39 PM[addsig]


I am very sorry for lossTug And family :-( Steve[addsig]

Tug I don't know what to say, besides things happen for a reason......otherwise none of this makes any sense.[addsig]