Just got back from Paragon...


New member
Hey guys.

Just got back from the big 'final' run at Paragon. Was anyone else there?? I know you said you couldn't make it TC. That's a shame, this place was unbelievable and the turnout was HUGE!! Kyle gave a great speech at the staging lanes before everyone headed out and they raffled off a ton of stuff. Unfortunately I didn't win anything, oh well.

I went with a "Green" group, and I have to tell you it was a lot rougher than I thought it would be for a 'novice' group. Of course, the fact that Paragon got 3-4" of snow Friday night made things even more interesting. It was also COLD!!! Made for some challenging wheelin'.

I had a blast though, made it through the mud bogs and hill climbs without having to be pulled out. I did end up pulling the TJ in front of me out once :) . I did get hung up a couple of times, but I was able to work myself free without any external help. Best of all, I didn't hold the group up which was my main concern. Really, the only problem our group had was a bone stock cherokee that got stuck pretty good on two seperate occasions, and the aforementioned TJ that was in front of me that I had to pull out once. Also there was a Jeep I didn't see in the back of the group that apparently got stuck pretty good at one point because we all pulled over so the leader could go back and help and they were gone for 30 minutes or so.

Anyway, bottom line, the trails were awesome, the people were great and it's a real shame if this place does close down for good. Hopefully they'll at the very least be able to build a new park in the same area.

The real bad news (other than the fact that I may not be able to go back for a 2nd trip!) is that I forgot to bring my camera :cry: .

I'll try to take some pictures of the aftermath tomorrow if it's not too cold. I got away without any damage to the Jeep (I think), other than a small scratch on the driver's side from a branch scraping along...nothing that won't buff out (I hope).

So was anyone else there?? If so, how did your run go?
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Man I love Paragon... I skipped out on Death Valley last time I was there because it looked like it might rain and I didn't want to get stuck there in a storm... I'm gonna miss the place. Glad to hear you had a good time, but I'm still gonna miss it...:cry:
Hey guys,

Just found a couple of pictures that someone else took yesterday and posted on another website that has my Jeep in it...just thought I'd share. Nothing fancy, just us waiting at the staging area. In the first picture I'm in the 2nd row, you can see my TJ in between the red Jeep with the black wheels and brown soft top and the black Rubi behind it. The 2nd picture is our group, I'm 3rd in line...can't see much of me, but they're all I have. Note to self: bring the camera next time.


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Geez that place was PACKED!!!

I'm surprised things went so smoothly with such a big crowd.

It's really disappointing that I'll never have a chance to go there again. Oh well at least we still have Rausch Creek, another fine park.

Yeah, everything was amazingly smooth. I got there at about 7:30am, went in and only had to wait in line a few minutes to register. No lines to wait in at the inspection area (at least when I was there). We got to the staging area just a couple minutes after 8:00. As you can see, I was 3rd in line in my group (counting the leader) and noone else was further back than I was when I got there, but it started filling up quickly. It took them until 10:00 to get everybody registered and in the staging area, then they started the raffle. We left for the trails shortly after 10:30.

We had very few problems/delays from running into other groups on the trails, which surprised me considering we had at least 50 vehicles easily on the green trails, approximately 10 per group, 5 groups. Our group only ran into another group in a place where we couldn't pass once all day, and we simply detoured down (thank God it was down and not up) a blue trail and looped back around and then they were clear.

It was really awesome, I can't wait to do it again. I hope Rausch is this much fun, because I don't think I'm going to be able to wait until the Paragon issues are resolved before I go wheelin' again 8) .