Just out of curiosity . . . .

Ahhmm, Me? shhh,lol , my boss knows everything i do as long as i get my job done..
I AIN'T TELLIN :shades:
Me too. I am permanently on the net when in the office so have my own stuff running in the background

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Back to Ascii Corner
Hit and miss for me.Kind of hard when I am on the road most of the time,but if I find an open wi-fi signal I am on the net.

Yep I'm supposed to be working now. But it doesn't interfere with getting my work done so it's cool.
I rarely get online at home. My last job was as a network admin so I was always online - personal and for research. Now I own a restaurant and have to get here early to start prep and I get online while the bread is proofing.

I rarely get online at home. My last job was as a network admin so I was always online - personal and for research. Now I own a restaurant and have to get here early to start prep and I get online while the bread is proofing.
Hey Todd, send the bread this way!! i'll proof it for y'a!:D:twisted: