

New member
I hope our friends in New Orleans (and the surrounding area) got the heck out of dodge.
That's one heck of a storm.



WOW!! I heard on the radio today that if some predictions hold true, parts of New Orleans will be under 20' of water :shock:
How many regulars on the "Zs" are in the path? (hopfully they don't answer personally!) LBR
Junkpile said:
WOW!! I heard on the radio today that if some predictions hold true, parts of New Orleans will be under 20' of water :shock:

Well N.O. is as much as 10' below sea level, and last I heard they were expecting a 28' storm surge. Not good.

The city is surrounded by levees and dams and such from what I gather, but I've never been there. It's like a big bowl waiting for the storm to fill it. Not good.

Apparently there are some refineries and plants that could actually make the flood water toxic. Not good.

RE: Steering like a go cart

Dang that is going to suck. I hope alot of people get out of there. Especially the car people, that's enough water to total most stock cars. It could be fun wheeling in that much water, but not in the middle of the storm. Goodluck to anyone in that area. Be safe.
76cj7nola is in N.O. Brianjeep and Jeepenstein are both in Slidell, LA which looks to be in the path of the storm too...


Lots of folks from this site live in that area... I hope they are all either hunkered down in a safe place or outta there.

Parts of Miami and north of Miami are still without power and the 14,000 power crews are working around the clock to get them up and running. Katrina was only a Category 1 when it rolled over the east coast. I can only image the damage its going to cause as a category 5. I still dont understand why they werent running for the hills in NO. Every shot the news showed of the highways during the morning on sunday were pretty damn empty. It wasnt until 2-3 hours before Katrina was goign to hit the roadways got slammed. I dont get it. My (bleep) would have been in Texas on friday!
TwistedCopper said:
76cj7nola is in N.O. Brianjeep and Jeepenstein are both in Slidell, LA which looks to be in the path of the storm too...


Lots of folks from this site live in that area... I hope they are all either hunkered down in a safe place or outta there.

I sure as hell hope they were outta there!! Bad news in the bayou :cry: :cry:

Was Jeepz down?

It wasnt until 2-3 hours before Katrina was goign to hit the roadways got slammed. I dont get it. My (bleep) would have been in Texas on friday!

Judge, after you live in Florida for a while, you'll understand it more. Alot of people around here wouldn't think of leaving even if they saw their neighbors roof land in their front yard. Every time we get one, it's the same thing. The news goes crazy warning about how the end of the world is coming, people go nuts and stock up on 3 years worth of gas and groceries, and then half of the time it turns out to be a dud of a thunderstorm. They ALWAYS play it up too much, and it makes people jaded. People in areas where they hit alot get used to them. The people down the road from me in Carolina Beach have a terrible time of it. They throw them off the island beforhand if it's going to be bad, and if the hurricane turns out to be a really bad one they could be looking at two weeks just for the national guard to open the bridge up so they can go survey the damage to their property.
Junkpile said:
It wasnt until 2-3 hours before Katrina was goign to hit the roadways got slammed. I dont get it. My (bleep) would have been in Texas on friday!

Judge, after you live in Florida for a while, you'll understand it more. Alot of people around here wouldn't think of leaving even if they saw their neighbors roof land in their front yard. Every time we get one, it's the same thing. The news goes crazy warning about how the end of the world is coming, people go nuts and stock up on 3 years worth of gas and groceries, and then half of the time it turns out to be a dud of a thunderstorm. They ALWAYS play it up too much, and it makes people jaded. People in areas where they hit alot get used to them. The people down the road from me in Carolina Beach have a terrible time of it. They throw them off the island beforhand if it's going to be bad, and if the hurricane turns out to be a really bad one they could be looking at two weeks just for the national guard to open the bridge up so they can go survey the damage to their property.

Yeah I understand what your saying about the news dramatizing everything. But after seeing all this in NO I dont think I am going to be one of the people who stick around.

One of the worst things now that the storm has passed is that most modes of communication are down. I have some employees stationed in Korea right now who don't know if their families are safe or not because most phones are down including cell. We did manage to contact one of the families in Jackson, MS who said they're all ok. The others we have not been able to reach. They are down around Hattiesburg which was hit pretty hard.
Even here in Huntsville, AL we got some pretty tough winds Monday night. I lost some siding off of my house and have at least 6 trailer (20' trailer) loads of trees and limbs to haul off. It's a good thing it's a three day weekend. I'll be burning some 2 stroke chainsaw gas this weekend.
RE: Acetone???

We just had a few days of cloud cover here near St. Louis, enough to keep the temps cool. We missed the rain by one county, got some of the wind but nothing out of the ordinary. We're not accustomed to having our weather affected by a Hurricane, although we did get a lot of rain from Dennis.

Sure does look bad in the south, and I'm afraid the news coverage so far is only the tip of the iceberg.
Newbie help - converting 2wd 95 cherokee to 4wd

I seen the reports where a few hours before the storm hit that ATMs inside of stores were being smashed and the cash stolen and people were pre-looting like some early bird steal-a-thon. Anybody caught doing that should have been shot on site. :evil:

Having said that, I now have seen people looting and stealing food to eat and water from the shelves. I sure would not have the heart to stop anybody from stealing food to eat in that type of a disaster. Think of all of the babies that need formula and the like.

But one bright spot, just look at all of the countries that we give aid to rushing to help the good ole USA....wait a minute, nobodys offering to help...

Here is an idea, stop all foriegn aid ASAP and all handouts to illegals ASAP until we help our own citizens.. :!: :!:

But one bright spot, just look at all of the countries that we give aid to rushing to help the good ole USA....wait a minute, nobodys offering to help...

Here is an idea, stop all foriegn aid ASAP and all handouts to illegals ASAP until we help our own citizens.. Exclamation Exclamation

Not true on the first point, I heard on CNN that other countries (no specifics) have pledged or are already giving support. And my mom told me that Red Cross Canada has sent people and supplies and that doctors are also going to the areas hit by Katrina (all the while 40,000 Canadians are in Red Cross shelters due to Katrina's path through Ontario).

I fully agree on the second point. Why (in both the USA and Canada) there are so many homeless and starving people even without any disaster situation and money flows out of our countries to aid others' plight seems crazy. It is certainly nice that we can do that, but at the same time I feel that our own should be thought of first.

Hope any jeepz peepz in those areas affected by Katrina are doing well and heeded the advice to get out.
But one bright spot, just look at all of the countries that we give aid to rushing to help the good ole USA....wait a minute, nobodys offering to help...

Here is an idea, stop all foriegn aid ASAP and all handouts to illegals ASAP until we help our own citizens.. Exclamation Exclamation

Not true on the first point, I heard on CNN that other countries (no specifics) have pledged or are already giving support. And my mom told me that Red Cross Canada has sent people and supplies and that doctors are also going to the areas hit by Katrina (all the while 40,000 Canadians are in Red Cross shelters due to Katrina's path through Ontario).

Good to hear that, but I will not hold my breath waiting to see who helps and how. I am glad to see Canada, our Socialist friends to the north, kick in.
As a nation, we are so vulnerable right now. If the terrorist decided to attack a few petroleum plants or the arab nations decided to cut us back on imported crude, well....I don't want to imagine.

It is past time to stop bending to the minority voice of nuts who still, even now, will not stand for any oil drilling in Alaska. Now we have the last Shuttle Mission commander on tv today saying that she noticed how fragile our atmosphere is and that we must get people off of the planet in order to the human race to survive!
RE: Super Yota

I thought I was the only one who noticed what the shuttle commander said. She said from up there earths atmosphere is as thin as an eggshell and massive deforestation could be seen compared to the previous missions she had been on. Very Very Sad.

Since we are a "super power" and can assist everyone else in the world we should be able to assist ourselves pronto right? Well lets see how it holds true. I did hear Canada is sending a ton of people and resources down as well.

I will continue to keep everyone in my thoughts. Please stay safe if you are near this area and stay out unless you can help.

You know the Bible says that to whom much is given, much is required, I have always took that to mean that the ones God has chosen to bless with wealth have a duty to give back esp in times of great need.

I am a little more pleased to hear that after WalMart pledged only 1 million dollars for Hurricane Katrina victoms, (the make about a million dollars every hour combined in all 2500 worldwide locations) that today it upped that pledge to 15 million.

I will be watching in the coming days to see if the ExxonMobils, ChevronTexaco,Bill Gates, Warren Buffets and the likes will a drop in their buckets that can make a world of difference.