Keepin the dog in...


New member
Hi - Haven't found my YJ yet but still looking hard. I plan to take the back seat out for storage and dog space. My problem is that my dog (lab/golden mix) is a bit independent and I'm afraid he might decide to jump out if the top is off. He'd probably only do it once but I'd rather not go there. Has anyone come up with a good system to keep the dog in?

I have a short leash for my golden that I tie around the center of the roll bar. Its just enough room for her to move around, but she hits the end when she gets to sticking her head out. She did jump once. Luckily I was crawling in traffic and paying attention. She rubbed on the side wall of the rear tire a bit but I yanked her back in w/o harm. She loves being in the CJ (even jumps up in it when we aren't going anywhere) but hasn't been nearly as brave since!
I had a couple dogs (picked up some strays and took care of them for a few weeks) that I took out in the Jeep. Got a short leash and tied it down to the seatbelt buckles in the middle so it was just long enough for them to get their feet on the wheel wells.
Hi - Haven't found my YJ yet but still looking hard. I plan to take the back seat out for storage and dog space. My problem is that my dog (lab/golden mix) is a bit independent and I'm afraid he might decide to jump out if the top is off. He'd probably only do it once but I'd rather not go there. Has anyone come up with a good system to keep the dog in?

I have the same exact dog and had the same problem.
Last year I had the top off and Ellie and I went for a Sunday cruise down some of the backroads around our house. She didn't jump out, but fell out, because she was leaning out so far. I wasn't going probably 20 mph so she was not hurt. But that was the last time she leaned out of the Jeep! Now she keeps both feet on the floor and haven't had a problem since.
A far as jumping out,work with your dog and teach him "stay" and "sit". I have worked with Ellie since she was a pup (now she is 2 yrs) and have not had a problem.

Heck, the Mighty YJ is also called, "Molly's Doghouse." The back seat is hers.

I use a harness that the back seat over-the-shoulder seat belt goes through and locks her in place securely but allows her to move about.

She has never been a jumper so I don't have any experience with her leaving the vehicle except with permission.

This is at a lunch so we took the harness off for a bit.

She is 9 years old now and not as interested in puppy like activities anymore...
My weimeraner jumped out of the back of a pickup while we were running 55 down a country road. He had a serious case of road rash. You could hardly force him to ride in the back of a truck after that. He wanted shotgun.
My weimeraner jumped out of the back of a pickup while we were running 55 down a country road. He had a serious case of road rash. You could hardly force him to ride in the back of a truck after that. He wanted shotgun.

I find that way works well with the children too...

Obviously kidding... Our American Retriever jumped out of the back of the pickup many years back at about 25 mph, survived almost completely free of injury, only to be struck by a car 2 weeks later.

Well - I got if figured out. Ran a tie down strap across the back from the soft top struts. Connected a 1ft short leash to that. He can run side to side but still can't get too far. Now I just got to figure out a solution for dog hair everywhere...
I think my golden gets sick from the way I drive. She crouches in the back and lies on her stomach at any speed over 15 mph. Of course, she also freezes in the road on a walk at the sound of any oncoming car.

I've got one of the harnesses that wraps around the body and has a slot for the seatbelt in the back. Possibly safer than a leash around the neck in an accident.
If you figure the hair thing out - Let all of us know how it works.

I use duct tape. No, I don't wrap it around the fingers sticky out and pat... I wrap it around the dog, instead... (I'M KIDDING!)

What's an American Retriever?

My wife was kind enough to inform me it was an american POINTER.. Like I really know, was her dog anyways..

Pics, dog died long before digital cameras, I will see if I can scan one..

Looked like this but the brown was darker and dog was a lot fatter

2 things -

I stopped taking a canvas cooler with me on trails. I found out that it was a mistake. I would store it immediately behind the console behind the front seats. Molly, My Australian Shepard, would use it to brace herself during hectic areas on the trail. Without it, she didn't know what to do! I bring the canvas cooler with again and she is happy.

I'm taking Molly out and running with her now. I use a short lease and keep tight control of her as we run. Of course, it never hurts to walk around the block first, so she can sniff, pee (we call it hurry) and do all the dog business so she can focus. It taught her something new and is helping to control the fat girl's weight. She is up to good 10:00 paced miles and can go on a long run.