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Pina colada color would be nice, since I figured out I cann't drink it ,at least I could taste it, and the walls would stay clean.

"What is it that when you take away the whole you still have some left over?"

In mathamatics / engineering it's refered to "Remainder Mean". Sorry, my reply with a quote button will not work....​
I'm math terms

Whole +some = wholesome

If you take away whole from the word wholesome , you are left with some.

Wholesome - whole = some

So I had a headlight go dim last night when I started my jeep to go home last night. (Clue moment just dim). I just replaced my radiator a day before because I shoved a rock through on the underside. (dumb moment). Dumb moment +clue moment= a really dumb @$$ moment. so this morning I went and bought a replacement fix, then I went and bought a new headlight plug because it was looking fix(insert all sorts of colorful side notes). So the wife comes out, because the neighbors are complaining about the new and colorful language I was inventing on the spot, looks at what I was working on and points to the ground wire for the headlights, that I took off when I removed the e-fan controller to pull the radiator and says "should that be connected somewhere?" So I am selling the jeep and taking up shuffle board....anyone wanna buy a jeep?
and u guys think we're dumb?! BUYAH! :)