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The colors, or lack thereof. Not enough contrasting colors. All the headers are gone; I mean they're camouflaged into the page because no contrasting color. I texted the wrong person today because of it. Have never done that before now. The searchlight keeps popping up when I try to flip thru my screens of apps. I do like the toolbar that comes up from the bottom to manage the wi-fi, Bluetooth, brightness, etc. The calendar still sucks, but I stopped using it long ago.
Oh goodness, a phone snob. I do declare, I hope she dosn't reveal any more deep rooted psychological problems she may have. It could tarnish her image.

I didn't download it yet. Awaiting the word in the street. Apple is supposed to be the company to provide what you need before you knew you needed it. Guess you should be part of their study group. Or is this a swing and a miss?
I didn't download it yet. Awaiting the word in the street. Apple is supposed to be the company to provide what you need before you knew you needed it. Guess you should be part of their study group. Or is this a swing and a miss?

It just seems like it was a superficial update that gave themes less definition