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Anyone an iPhone guru? I have a griffin 10' charger and the iOS has started the 'this accessory is not certified' crap. The phone started displaying the message before I downloaded the latest iOS, which means that isn't the problem. I've looked online for fixes, but all I can find are related to iOS 7. I tried a couple and they didn't do squat.

Anyone an iPhone guru? I have a griffin 10' charger and the iOS has started the 'this accessory is not certified' crap. The phone started displaying the message before I downloaded the latest iOS, which means that isn't the problem. I've looked online for fixes, but all I can find are related to iOS 7. I tried a couple and they didn't do squat.

Steve Jobs reaching out from the grave....he wants your money.
Anyone an iPhone guru? I have a griffin 10' charger and the iOS has started the 'this accessory is not certified' crap. The phone started displaying the message before I downloaded the latest iOS, which means that isn't the problem. I've looked online for fixes, but all I can find are related to iOS 7. I tried a couple and they didn't do squat.
There is an IC chip in the lightning connector if it fails you could charge but not doc. The only other issues for I-5 is poor connections at the USB, bad USB port, not unlocking the. Phone or not trusting the PC.

Oh and many of the $5 power cords have no IC chip.
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I'm plugging into an outlet. It has worked without a problem since Xmas. I unplugged it Sunday afternoon. When I got home Monday morning, it no longer worked. No changes during that 17 hr break, at least not that I can think of. The cord just laid across the night stand until I picked it up to plug in the phone. The apple cord works just fine. 😞

It is possible the chip failed in that time period. Hate to say it, but, sometimes you get what you pay for.