Law Enforcement Officers Jeep Club???


New member
Rausch Creek Trip

Is there such a thing already? If not would anyone be interested in forming one? Shoot me an e-mail at if you are interested in forming one!

Bryan Antonelli
Lieutenant, Federal Bureau of Prisons
Disturbance Control Team Leader
President Fraternal Order of Police lodge 149

Hey, LT, not a bad idea. I'd be interested. Maybe a virtual club like is.

I see a lot of your residents as I work part-time for the USMS. My hat's off to you guys on the inside.
Well right now I am only a Public Safety Officer on campus but will soon be either an Oregon State Trooper or Las Vegas Metro Officer after I graduate, Id be interested...

The responce is surprisingly high. I am going to get this started nationally. Guys, please shoot me e-mails at so I know how to get a hold of you easier!
Operation : Fab Offroad Light Mounts

Ford, you're bad.......

Nooch, wanna start a YahooGroups site or do you have other means in the works? You can reach me at .

Our club used YahooGroups as a means of communicating until our official site and forum was up. It's quick and easy to set up the e-list, and users can receive individual emails or daily digests.