Little Known Facts about Jeepz Members

Al, from the GREAT State of TEXAS. I'm currently a Senior in college about to get a degree in Music Ed. and I am planning on sticking around school to get my Psycology degree. I got my screename because I was into the whole frat thing when I joined I am still involved with the frat, but I like Jeeps and wheeling a lot more now. I hope to join my fellow Texans soon for some wheeling fun in the houston area( I gotta get my transmission fixed first). BTW I'm 23 years old.

Hey Rob,

Actually i love about 20 minutes away from newton in Perkaise just a couple miles south of quakertown, and pretty close to Route 313. Just graduated from Pennridge High School.
Ok Ok I guess I can add my story to this.
I am Jason ::sarcasm on:: (hard to believe with so very few Jasons in this world today) ::sarcasm off:: I have always wanted 2 autos. a 69 Dodge Charger (Dodge Racing Orange) and a Jeep. Well, this year I made it 1/2 way there. I am normally known as "Who" I picked this name up from my On-line gamming and other nameless acts. :roll: This was changed to Who Cares later in the years. This reflects how others view my attitude towards most things. Most of my friends will slip up and call me "Who" every now and again. Really and truely I am nothing more than a south GA (hi-tech) redneck that has been up-rooted and moved to Atlanta, to follow my career path of being a Network Engineer.

Likes: Women, Jeeps, Jeepin, DAoC (MMORPG), and Searching for the next upgrade for "lil'bit"

Dis-likes: 17"+ rims, Low-profile tires, SUV's and Ricers

Turn-ons: Women using ANY of the following, in no particular order: (more than one at a time is even better) Jeeps, Hand Guns, Shotguns and/or Powertools.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, here goes. My real name is Misty I am from Lakeland, FL. I work for Verizon in the engineering department. I also am co-owner of a salon that I cut hair in as well. I am country through and through. I spent 4 years in college, played on an athletic scholarship. I love to hunt (dog hunt)and fish. I mainly use my Jeep for hunting season, but love to drive it all year. A short story behind the jeep. I had a Jeep about 1 year and 1/2 ago, and got caught up in a messed up relationship. Trying to get out. I had to give up my favorite toy to buy a new house. Got the house, but lost my baby. Sold it to a freind I knew would take care of it. Long story short with the help of a great freind I bought the same baby back a year later. All the way from NC. Here she is and I will never give her up again. In the process of doing some tranformations, this time she will be bigger and better than ever. Thanks for hearing my story.
86 cherokee 4x4 2 dr tan fresh rebuilt engine new parts

I dont really fish but i go to the lake every once and awhile. I live like 5 minutes from it and i have a friend who lives right on top of it. I took my jeep there to get some nice picks w/ the lake and as soon as i get them from my friend i'll post them here. I live off of three mile run road if you know where that is, its on 313.
I am also new here. I just bought my first Jeep (last Wednesday 07/30/03), I dont know how I ever lived with out it.

I am 23 yrs old. I live in Marshfield, MA, right in between Boston, and Plymouth on the coast. My name is, well, Laura.

I work for an electronics distributor doing mostly Quality Assurance, but much more (a desk job). I think this is why I needed a Jeep.

I am into Photography mostly; you can check out my pics at: photography.htm

My Jeep is named Jeep. Its a boy, and right now he is all stock, I want fatty tires first. I took him off road this past weekend, it was the frist time for both of us. I got addicted. I didnt want to come home, and while I am sitting here at work, all I can think of is going out tonight after work, even for a couple hours.

I am pretty much your basic suburbain chick. I want some Jeep friends to go wheelin with. I am all about having a good time, and lots of laughs!

My name is Jason. I am an Officer in the Air Force. I live in wichita kansas, but moving to Panama City, Fla in Dec.

I relize now that I never contributed to this post... so...
Jesse Gioulis here, 24 yrs, well 25 tomorrow... grew up in NY around the Adirondacks, then went to college in Rochester NY for Graphic Design for 4 years. I moved down to Jersey for the money and stayed for the beach. Now I work at a sign shop as their graphic designer and vinyl guy, or as I like to call it..."Vinylcologist". I also do logo design and fine arts/painting on the side.
I got into working on cars with my dads 67 ford galaxie... then I bought my first car a 67 Mustang... finally finished it last summer then hit a deer in sept. and did major frame damage.
I'm a muscle car maniac at heart but I always thought Wranglers were cool so I found one and now its my new toy while the stang is on the backburner.
My best friend back home and I would always be fartin around on our vehicles... making custom exhaust come out of the hoods, beefin' automatic trannies, motor swaps... then breakin it all on his huge property. How I miss it all :cry:
Now I just want to get my Jeep bigger and better than his Toyota truck... shouldn't take much! :lol: But I'm goin' big just incase!
Hey again everyone. South442 here. South because my last name is Southern and 442 because I've had a 71 442 Convertible for about 3 years and I just sold it to buy my first Jeep. Hopefully the correct decision. The 442 was fun but I felt like I was missing something. You can't go offroad in it.'s sold but still in the driveway. The buyer is working out the final arrangements. Time to change the screenname I guess.

I like many others here am a big Buffett fan. He hasn't been to Memphis (where I live) in awhile but I think I went to about 8 concerts in a row when he was coming to town. "I've made enough money to buy Miami, but I've pissed it away so fast."

I used to have an 81 Bronco with a 4" lift but sold it many years ago so I'm looking forward to getting back to the dirt.

On order - 2004 Sahara, 5 speed, D44s, 4wheel disc. Should be here in mid September. Not soon enough.
I'm glad to have found you guys and look forward to your insight and discusions.
Let me know if anyone knows of someplace around here to go wheeling.

Almost forgot - some personal info...37 years old (dang that sounds old) married with 16month old daughter. Life is good.

south 442
tell me some more about your 442, i love em, some day i will own one i found one about two weeks ago that i wanted but was a little more than i want to spend...does yours have a 455?

Hi All! I just found this thread and hope it is not too late for another introduction! My name is Adam. I have the name outerbeachyj because I do most of my wheelin' on the outer beach of Nauset down on Cape Cod where I grew up and still spend every weekend there. (My 1995 YJ lives in the garage down there and does not cross the bridge to often) I now live in South Boston with my wife. I just had my first real off road trip with fellow Jeepz.Com members last weekend! Check out my website for pictures from the trip and pics of my Jeep.

When I'm not Jeepin, I'm out fishing for Bass and Blues on the Cape, or scootering around Boston on my Yamaha 50CC Zuma! I am an interior architect/graphic designer. I just turned 30 and feel younger everyday. I love this site and have already made new friends here, a great group of people. I look forward to another Jeep trip with you all, and lots of on-line chats.

(I need to figure out how to put in my own avator here?!)
Hi! I hope I am also not too late to introduce myself. I am Mel and I am one of those rare female Jeepers. Don't get excited boys. I am the girlfriend of another Jeepz member, who I noticed did NOT mention he had a girlfriend in his post but did count my Jeeps in with his. :roll: **sheesh**

Anyway, I am fairly new to the Jeeping thing. I have been wheeling as a passenger but not been able to drive myself yet. Probably because I spend more time working on the Jeeps than trail riding on the weekends. However, I am hoping sometime this year to take one of my Jeeps on the trails myself.

As for a little known fact about me, I have an unusal pet(s). I have three Eastern Gray Tree frogs that I raised from tadpoles. I keep the frogs in a vivarium in my apartment. It is kind of fun to have them around because they do "sing". When they are vocal, it gives me a sense of being out in the woods.

So who is the kucky guy? He obviously forgot to mention you! I make that mistake every now and then!



Something to consider

Okay ya'll... to keep from having to sleep on the sofa :shock: , I admit I forgot to mention StockJeepCJ (Melissa) when I posted my response to this thing.
