lotsa problems


New member

soooo i took my 87 YJ in for a check up yesterday....i came home with a list of things to relpace and repair well over $3000....new U joints, seal my head gasket, new clutch flywheel, ect ect ect....i just bought it 4 weeks ago for $3500 and thought i had a good deal... o well

~Cap'n Cox[addsig]


Well it is a truth about buying older Jeeps! they need a lot ol love to put em back in the pink. I do not see the need for the money you quoted for the repairs you mentioned. All 4 ujoints jusst replaced them in mine for a totoal of about 60 bucks. Head Gasket should not be that high. Clutch is only going to run you $300.00 to $500.00 at best. I was able to buy my 87 YJ for 2900.00 and have put that into it again I am sure and will most likely have to put that into it again to get it where it needs to be not to mention the constant breaking of parts. You just have to love it. Tug[addsig]

the head gasket is pretty involved... but its a straight configuration.. only one head... its not THAT tough to do.. remove intake/exhaust manifolds and all of the hoses/fuel rail, and the valve cover... then the head bolts, and there you have it... clean the head.. if you have the money, get some work done on it quickly... then put it all back[addsig]

A good deal, a bad deal -- who knows? Think on the positive side-- half the fun of owning a jeep -- especially the older ones -- is working on them youself. I have two jeeps -- a 79 cj5 and a 80 cj7 -- and if I took them to a mechanic everytime I needed something done -- well, I would be broke by now. You will be surprised how much you can do youself. Remember, up to 60% of the cost of a mechanic is in labor and the markup on parts. Yes, I have run into problems, and I have become frustrated, but it has always been a learning experience and a rewarding experience. Some good tools, a good manual, some machine screws, some scrap metal, some used parts, a welder would be nice -- you will be shocked on how much you can do yourself. Remember -- it's a JEEP, not a mercedes.[addsig]


I have also found that the best jeeps are the jeeps that have been "used." I have owned five jeeps -- and by far, the worst jeep I ever purchased was from a lady who just drove it like a regular old car. She never had anything done to it. The best jeep i ever bought was a "beater" cj5 -- terrible body, really been thru the war -- but great suspension and mechanics. Remember -- the pretty jeeps are not always the best. In my opinion, try to buy a jeep from a guy who works on it himself -- nothing like the old "backyard" mechanics -- some of the best mechanics I have ever known. [addsig]

Right on pfz111! Well, let me tell you that you'd better get a second opinion on the cost for repairs for that stuff. I do understand that you did not expect to incur these repair costs four weeks into owning your Jeep, but like other Jeepers mentioned, half the fun is working on your Jeep (mods or repairs). If you are not comfortable working on the bigger jobs, find a good shadetree mechanic, and let them have a look at it. When I drove my Grand Am, I had to do a lot of repairs on that car. One mechanic quoted me $400 to replace the head gasket on it. I decided to ask another mechanic, and he ended up doing it for $80.00, and he did a great job, so like anything else, shop around.[addsig]