Love for the CJ5 - passion or obsession ?


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While viewing an article in AUTO RESTORER , I stumbled upon this article . Been trying to keep my personal infatuation with the loved and adored CJ5 , but after seeing this article , I just couldn't keep it to myself. I know some must be saying by now, "wish he'd just go out and buy one already " , wish I would too. Not in the cards , yet. Even if no one has said that , wish I'd go out and buy one anyway. Wish I could , is more like it. I really wish I could be working( restoring would probably be likely$$$$)
on one , would like to post it in our forum . Would like to make a real jeep contribution to .
I could just go outside and shoot up my XJ , but shouldn't I do the rocker panels and quarter panel first ?
Your thoughts , your views , your words. Your forum. All are welcome. Thank you , greg92jeepxj


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I love my CJ5, it has some qualitys other Jeeps don't have but it does have some problems along with it. The thing I hate the most about it is it's rough ride but what do you expect with 4" (well worn) lift springs, worn out shocks on such a short wheelbase. The thing I love the most, I can take it down the ATV trails behind my house, with the top off. With the short wheel base, V8 and mild cam it feels kinda like a T bucket roadster. It's lots of fun, not a nice Jeep by no means but fun all day long. I treat it like a borrowed mule and it loves it.
A V8 CJ ! You are definitely my hero ! Now that's a manly jeep ! Nothing against a 4 cyl. , I would be happy with that , just to own a CJ , but if you can join the masses and max it out with a small block , hey , you only live once , I say ! I would have to have three cj5's , one stock, one with XJ power train and drive train (especially np242 t-case) and one V8 hell raiser !
For now , I'll just make the best of my 4 worn shocks (well) , in dire need of replacement rear leafs to keep up with the new coils (well , 5-10 yrs new) , aging rockers , and custom modified (artistically dented) r/r quarter. But sometime in this lifetime , oh yes I will drive a CJ. Hope to own it too .
Manly jeep My A$$. I did not even read the rest of that thread. and got an attude torwards it. We be jeepers. male and female.

I'll Go back and read it fully , I jump quick sometimes.
It's got the factory AMC 304 which ain't much for power but it sounds good. I love my 5 but I'm building an 8. That's been the one I've always wanted. I had planned on pulling the drive train out of the 5 for the 8 but I just can't bring myself to do it. I think there is something special about all the Jeep models, I like em all. The Jeep name has held up well through the years.

Please don't do it , I would feel real bad if you had to canabalize your jeep , even for a great build of your dreams , I really would feel bad to see a jeep unserviceable . Hoping you can start from scratch with power train and drivetrain but I know easier said than done $ wishing the best one the CJ8 project !
Just saw a cj5 on the street today :beer: there is hope on Staten Island ! Too bad , no for sale sign though . But could be a sign of things to come , I hope !
If you ever see that owner walking to his CJ don't hesitate to ask him if he knows of any for sale. They stick together. Also it puts your name up fir interest.

Wow ! Ok , if that's how you guys do it , I'll give it a shot . Just hope I actually do run into the guy someday. I don't see the jeep very often , but its always in the same place when I do .
you got a point to , it's got some rust that needs to be addressed soon , or he's looking at a body tud if he dosen't . I see a bargaining chip ! Thanks brother ! If that CJ is not for sale, your right , maybe he knows one that could be !
Don't ever be afraid to ask a Jeeper about his/her ride. My wife calls it "Jeep stalking",but I've made many friends by stopping fellow jeepers or being stopped by same.
I will have to practice this , you could imagine how some people up here in New York are a bit uptight and some are actually defensive . But I must practice my swagger , as they say ! LOL
thanks for the advice , so far every member has advised the same approach . Thanks again !

Don't ever be afraid to ask a Jeeper about his/her ride. My wife calls it "Jeep stalking",but I've made many friends by stopping fellow jeepers or being stopped by same.
When I'm looking at Jeep stuff on ebay or whatever my wife says I'm looking at Jeep porn.
I know there are guys that go out west and haul old cars & trucks back to sell. Maybe you could find someone to do that for you. Maybe they could haul you a rust free CJ5 right to your door. It's only $$$$$$.;)
I will have to practice this , you could imagine how some people up here in New York are a bit uptight and some are actually defensive . But I must practice my swagger , as they say ! LOL
thanks for the advice , so far every member has advised the same approach . Thanks again !

Hey bro, Im from New york,Delaware county. Poorest county in the state. We are not uptight up there. We do not have the sorry a$$ed attitudes that New york city and New jersey people have. I'm sorry, I have to sound off on this one.
When ever i tell some one I'm from NY,I stipulate that I am from upstate, not Nyc. I've seen some A$$ kicken done by my fellow country boys when some wise A$$ Nyc folk show up.
Sorry about sounding off, But Nyc does not represent who New Yorkers are.

Heads up to ya'll from NYC and New Jersey, be cautious when you go to the bars in the Catskills, which is the main water source for NYC.
You are not liked up in there, It is poor folk country where as they can not afford to buy a home , and then they see folks from NYC come up and have their vacation home, there is a lot of resentment. Be carefull.

I know there are guys that go out west and haul old cars & trucks back to sell. Maybe you could find someone to do that for you. Maybe they could haul you a rust free CJ5 right to your door. It's only $$$$$$.;)

You just gave me more to think about ! Now when I dream , I'll be counting jeeps !!!!!