Man it's cold!


Staff member
It's been between 10-20 here at the beach. That's total freak out temperatures in my opinion. Luckily I don't have to spend too much time outside.

How bad is it where you guys are?
Finally warming up , breaking into the twenties. Will be good to finally finish outdoor car work without my fingers and toes being numb. If someone asks you to swap a water pump in a 2.4 liter pontiac , just be well prepared if you cannot turn the job down. Winter tests our vehicles .
We had three days with temps below freezing and one of those days was a high of 10. Too dang cold for my blood. Today it was 41 and I felt like opening up the Jeep to enjoy the warm weather.
It was 1 degree yesterday morn. I had bought de-icer but left it in the front seat of my Jeep...yep I couldn't get to it when the door was froze shut. The driverside lock out was even froze. It was a heat wave today, got up to 38.
Negative 1 this morning in SE Michigan. Wind chill yesterday was -30 to -40. That plus 8-10 inches of snow Sunday makes for an icy commute this week (90+ miles a day for me), but the old girl (my TJ) doesn't seem to mind. Makes for a rough ride. Not going to lie, my back is pretty sore from all the riding - it took me 2 1/2 hours to get 45 miles this morning.

Just to throw little gas on the ole was frigging cold here....68 burrrrrrrr.
It was -7 -8, -25 -30 in Cincinnati Monday and Tuesday with the wind chill. The jeep started Monday, but not Tuesday. using the wind chill temps, it warmed up 50* yesterday and was still below freezing. A high of 27*, going to be 37* today though, woo hoo heat wave.

It's been between 10-20 here at the beach. That's total freak out temperatures in my opinion. Luckily I don't have to spend too much time outside.

How bad is it where you guys are?

It IS, Terry! On Monday night, the temperature snuck down to an icy 2 degrees with a -23 windchill. This is certainly very abnormal for this area. The coldest weather I've ever personally experienced was years ago while I was living in Milwaukee, WI. I can remember having to walk about 1/4 mile from the parking garage to work in weather when it was -48 with windchill! :shock: By the time I got to work, I couldn't feel my legs, but since I had a longer, heavy coat on, my upper body was warm.

You don't know cold until you have to work outside in it. Exposed skin couldn't take more than 5 min without becoming painful. The pain of freezing is like the pain of getting scalded. Cold wind gusts would take your breath away and any exertion where you breath heavy would burn your lungs.

For those who think 68 deg is cold...we were lucky to get the house that warm. I understand the power company has been asking people to cut power as much as possible because the grid was near max in some areas and they wanted to avoid blackouts.
Monday high here was -1F...low was -17F....garage was a toasty +10F. TJ started right up even after sitting out all day at work. Today we might hit+20F...yea!
Finally warming up in Arkansas but had been below zero for a couple of nights and never above freezing during the day which is unusual for us.

I don't mind the cold. Never have. It got down to a low of 2 at my house (not sure the wind chill). For me it's just another winter with out wearing a jacket. I never do