Man, today was just one of those days


New member

So I'm coming back from lunch and driving by the the college and I get there just as the war protester spill out onto the street to block traffic. Because that's how you win people over, you prevent them from going anywhere and you yell at them. They have the left over signs from GWI (gulf war I), You know, "No blood for oil" "Bush is a baby killer" "Bush is the terrorist, not saddam" These crack me up especially the "Bush is a baby killer" Umm he's against abortion and these protestors are usually for it. OH well. So they block the intersection and start their chants. I pop on the PA from my CB and start saying "Free Tibet" This get's the crowd all excited and cheering, then I add "...While supplies last" Now they're pissed at me and sit down right in front of my Jeep. So I say to them, "Hey, I got four wheel drive and will drive over your hippie ass" So they flip me off. Then I say, "You may not want blood for oil, but if you don't move your ass there will be blood and oil on this street." Now all the motorist are cheering me. Then the cops come and tell me to settle down. I told them that I work for a living and need to get back and these kids that are standing in the middle of the street are breaking the law. Then I continue to list several infractions. Well, the cops start to arrest a few of them so they get scared and leave. This could be a mastercard commercial.......

CB from eBay $50
Installation $30
Hippie protestor useless
Using the sarcastic sense of humor you got from your dad PRICELESS[addsig]

lol very niiiiice, that makes me wanna get a CD now, we had some kids at school protesting something the other day, and they were trying to block people from leaving the parking lot. the police arrested them tho.[addsig]


hehehehehehe We got republicans running the show again! History repeats itself! tug :-D

:-x :-x :evil: :evil: :-x :evil: :-x :evil: [addsig]

LOL Todd...I saw all that stuff on the local news...I'm amazed I didn't see you and your jeep hehe.[addsig]


very funny. kind of sad though. whats it gonna take before people figure it out. nuked its easy to protest what hasnt happened to you,but lets here from all the innocents in New York and their survivors. [addsig]