Manual Transmission Noise


New member
Hey all you Wrangler Experts. I have a 2000 Wrangler with just under 100k on it. I have recently noticed an occasional "harmonic rattle" or buzzing at about 2500 RPMs. It usually only occurs when it is colder (like under 40 degrees) and only when accelerating. I have never had transmission issues before and aside from that, my Wrangler operates perfectly. Any ideas?

manual trannies tend to make a humming noise... have you checked the level of your fluid?
RE: and then I find this out....

I always knew about the "growling" noise, it's done that since I bought it new, this is a new noise. I have NOT checked the fluid level, which I will do this weekend. What it sounds like is that something's loose and only picks up the vibration at a certain RPM (which leads me to conclude that it's a harmonic issue). I should check the fluid level anyway, thanks for your input.
Sounds like your catalytic converter is going out. It will gradually become worse, rattling at idle as well. If it ever rattles at idle, you can confirm this diagnosis by placing pressure on the catalytic converter with a prybar.

OTher than that, I'd check the condition of the transmission mount and torque bushing next to the transmission mount.

Hi guys --
I havent been here in a while, but logged on to see if i could find out what is wrong with my jeep. I have the exact same problem as ujohnd. My jeep is an '02 with 40k miles --

This sound is not at idle -- I actually kind of wish it was b/c then I could figure out where it's coming from. Like he said, it happens only when accelerating at around 2500 rpm (on my jeep it also happens when first acclerating from a stop at low rpm -- then goes away, then comes back around 2500 rpm.) It only happens when it's cold outside.

john have you had any luck in chasing down the problem? -- I'm at a loss here b/c I can't get it to make the sound in my driveway.

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: 2006 FJ - It

I have had NO luck as of yet myself. I did some "testing" and found that when simply revving the engine, there is no "noise." I did this once when I heard the noise when I was in-gear (about a week ago), took my Wrangler out of gear, and revved the engine to try to recreate, no luck. Once I figured that it wasn't an engine/exhaust noise, I put it back in gear and went on my way.

Unless there is a different compression when you have a load on your engine (I know, I opened the door on this "phrasing"), other than simply throttling it, I don't think it is an exhaust issue, but what do I know, I am just an Engineer! I have had no adverse effects of the "noise" other than...the noise. Hopefully it's not a warning sign of my transmission's last days! Hopefully it's just my clutch saying she's had enough. I just turned over 100K, so it's about time for my clutch to go.

If anyone out there has a thought on this one, please feel free to offer up an opinion. Thanks all...and good luck TIA! Let me know if you figure it out.
RE: Greasable Vs. Non-greasable

Keep in mind, some things will only rattle when under load... the vibrations are more intense then. See if you can, have a passenger help you locate the area where the noise is. Also, feel for the vibration in the floor, firewall, shifter, etc.