May 19th Gas boycott?

I still can't wait to see the day when 87 gas will be $3 a gallon. I know that just about every single one of you can cut back on your driving easily and end up paying the same amount per week for gas by driving less even if the prices continue to get more expensive. For those of you that just can't, get a more fuel effecient car. The whole point however is nothing economical it is just that we need to conserve our oil and retain our fossil fuels for generations to come.
Lot's of personal attacks on this thread. Geez. "Peguins"? "Stupidest thing I've heard all week?" Guys, we need to calm down.

In the future, if someone thinks differently than you (GASP) don't flame him or her. People are more important than your point. If you've got a differing veiw make it. No reason to be a bastard about it. I'm no mod, and this isn't directed at a particular person, but we are seeing too much of this on Jeepz lately.

And for the record, LIBERALS are also responsible for global-warming, cancer, the extra Z in "rendezvous", the movie "Ishtar, and the 1987 earthquake in CA. Anything else you care to blame on us? Come on folks, get real.

Some crazy stuff being said on this one. :roll:
I still can't wait to see the day when 87 gas will be $3 a gallon. I know that just about every single one of you can cut back on your driving easily and end up paying the same amount per week for gas by driving less even if the prices continue to get more expensive.
Let's see, pay more and get less benefit. Hmmmmm. That's even dumber than what you said before. Keeping diggin your way into that pit of ignorance and maybe you will end up in China or Europe where it is $3 a gallon. Just think about it dude, everything that touches your life will be affected by the increase. Air travel, shipping companies, pizza delivery, just to name a few things. Do you think they are going to suck up the price increase out of their profits? NO. They are going to pass that on to the consumer.
BTW..Mingez you are probably right on the personal attacks. You know what though this is a Jeep related board and topics outside of that realm pop up more often than the personal attacks. I guess that means that some people would rather talk about baseball, hockey and gas prices than their Jeeps. So be it. Basically the members take the boards where they want to take them. I just happen to like ragging on someone who has obviously spent more time in front of the X-Box than checking out CNN every now and then.

Geez man, easy. He's entitled to his opinion. And off topic conversation doesn't mean you should call the dude "dumb." I don't recall him ever steering the thread in that direction. I think you're a cool guy Rooster but that is harsh.

I'm no angel (i've taken part in some flaming), but saying: "That's even dumber than what you said before. Keeping diggin your way into that pit of ignorance and maybe you will end up in China or Europe where it is $3 a gallon." isn't going to sway him toward what you consider to be the correct opinion. Don't get me wrong, it was creative, but harsh.

Approach the fellow Jeeper like a teacher would. Maybe you both can learn something from one another... and isn't that the goal around here? You've got a lot of wisdom to empart, (I know I've benefitted from it) but your friend might not see that through all of the quips and zingers. :wink:
XJNick said:
Tug-n-pull said:
to keep us running till the cows come home, or at least till the alternative fule rides are ready to go.

There are alternative and more environmentally friendly ways of powering a vehicle that exist today and have exsited for some time. But instead of really trying to help better develope the technologies and implement them on a large scale, the auto industry seems to continue to be content supporting the oil companies. What a shame. :(

-Nick :!:

You can make your own alt fuel. I just read about a propane conversion. He gets better horse power. Only problems are he has a giant bomb in the bed of his pick-up and planning fuel stops for that cross country trip can be hard :lol: .
I guess you are right. They always told me that I didn't play well with others. I will go back to the tech board where I can post facts instead of opinions.

redrooster said:
I guess you are right. They always told me that I didn't play well with others. I will go back to the tech board where I can post facts instead of opinions.

No no no!!! That's not what I meant. We need you here, whether I or anyone else agrees or disagrees with you! :lol:

You have a valuable opinon that needs to be said!! That was funny though.
avyoung said:
Well the biggest problem with the gas prices going up so quickly is that those of us with bills have to budget our money. When gas prices raise this much it means you usually can't pay something else unless you have extra every month.

I agree with avyoung. Thankfully I've managed to pay my wife's car off, so that's one less big bill to worry about. I being the only person working while she watches our son, money is tight.

As an example, I normally include a $60 allowment of fuel into my bi-weekly bills. Before the $1.89 and up slam I could put around $25 per week into my Jeep (with it being around 1/8 full) and and come out with an almost full gas tank, giving my wife more-or-less $10 per two weeks for her car (a Neon) for driving around through the week. With prices now hitting $2.09 in my area I have to use the full $30 per week and find a way to fuel up my wife's car as well. I know that may seem silly that $10 would put a strain on the budget, but with the situation at hand it can be rather tough.

With the price of fuel (of any type) rising it's not only the transportation to point A to point B that gets pricey. Soon it'll effect anything that's put on shelves.
Redrooster, I agree with you completely. I don't think its wrong to rag on a kid who will obviously get his mommy and daddy to help him pay for gas when it does reach $3 a gallon! Maybe all your comments will help him to grow up and join reality. :x

JeepGirl9248 said:
Redrooster, I agree with you completely. I don't think its wrong to rag on a kid who will obviously get his mommy and daddy to help him pay for gas when it does reach $3 a gallon! Maybe all your comments will help him to grow up and join reality. :x

So, what you are saying is "Ragging" on people is "grown up"? So, if I flame you for that, how will that help? Give me a break! What the heck is happening around here?

It's counter-productive and that isn't what JEEPZ is about. It's a friendly helpful site. It's not a club for like-minded thinkers where all others are to be ridiculed. Regaurdless of age.

Everyone...and I mean, EVERYONE has a right to their opinion and deserves some respect while expressing it. Crimmeny. :roll:
mingez said:
Everyone...and I mean, EVERYONE has a right to their opinion and deserves some respect while expressing it. Crimmeny. :roll:

I agree 100% with you there Mingez. Flamming really serves no purpose except to show that you can't handle it when someone has a different opinion than you.

Let's be a bit more tolerant of others' opinions and leave the flamming to those other message boards out there (and trust me, there are plenty) which are already infested with it.

< Big Jeep Wave > :mrgreen:
-Nick :!:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I can tell ya'll have some free time now that its 90 outside. LOL I gotta say this thread (and I just read it ALL) is quite entertaining. Lotsa twisted knickers and stuff flying in all directions. Once again, I'm glad I stayed out of it.

Please everyone, go out and get some sun even if you can't afford to get gas and go somewhere. It'll be good for you to get politics off your mind.

Crank up some tunes, kick back and forget about it all, even if for 15 minutes please! Your and your fellow jeepers deserve it.


JeepGirl9248 said:
Redrooster, I agree with you completely. I don't think its wrong to rag on a kid who will obviously get his mommy and daddy to help him pay for gas when it does reach $3 a gallon! Maybe all your comments will help him to grow up and join reality. :x

That is crap. I work 25 hours a week along with going to school just to pay for my insurance, gas, other mods, clothes, anything i do for fun with friends or my girlfriend, etc. My parents pay for my room and thats basically it. You think I like working 25 hours a week for $10.75??? Don't you think I would rather be out with friends or my girlfriend? Don't talk s*** before you know the facts.
LadyJeepFreak said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I can tell ya'll have some free time now that its 90 outside. LOL I gotta say this thread (and I just read it ALL) is quite entertaining. Lotsa twisted knickers and stuff flying in all directions. Once again, I'm glad I stayed out of it.

Please everyone, go out and get some sun even if you can't afford to get gas and go somewhere. It'll be good for you to get politics off your mind.

Crank up some tunes, kick back and forget about it all, even if for 15 minutes please! Your and your fellow jeepers deserve it.


I miss you lady. How's it going?