Message for Tug !! Everyone chime in

Great card 90Xjay! I'd sign it...if I could.
I must say you brought a tear to ol tugs eye! That was a very thoughtful thing and I Thank all of you for the kind words and love. A man is Blessed to have even one friend and I feel I have so many. For so many of them to be Jeepers is just a very big plus. Thanks again I am smileing through the tears. tug
Ohh Tug,
I just put that up on my server tonight to let you know I was praying for your safety when you go out on the road.

Trucking is a honorable thing to do, it keeps this country working, in the same breath I am glad others can and will do it. Being away for so long would kill me and the wife and kids.

I hope it works out for you buddy!!

What is the latest word on when you start tug?
Well I just go t done talking to a local trucker firm that will be a lot closer to home and allow me a bit more home time and a better pay package as well. If that does not work out it is off to Tulsa this week end! Fingers are crossed cause I have tryed to get on with the local guy for 4 years. Home office only 3 miles from my front door be out a week to a week and a half rather than 14 to 21 days. I am praying my self crazy for this one so if the Lords will is this rather than the OK. job I am sure Ok with that. But by the weekend I should know and there is a chance I will be out there running as early as in the morning! tug

Xjay, that is a precious webpage! For sure Tug has lots of friends in Jeepz who will keep him close to thier heart as he travels the big rig road to better finances including myself. Keep on trucking Tug, just check in with us from time to time!


This is Mudwoman here (Mrs. Mud). and I am saying YAHOOOOOOOO TUG!!
Hope all goes well for you and you find happiness in your new job. I am grateful for all the things that wouldn't be in my home if a truck didn't bring it here. (Including all the Jeep parts we keep acquiring!) Best wishes to you and Mama Tug.