Mirror Laws and Solutions?


New member

Full doors on a 1999 soft top... Looking for an easy way to run doorless legally. Tried mirror-mover brackets, but the paint under the factory mirrors is seriously screwed up by the rubber pad and I'm a bit vain about the Jeep's appearance when it's all together. Kind of need a cheap and easy-to-remove (non-permanent) side mirror solution that I can just slap on when I rip the doors off. Also, do you have to have two to be street legal, or is it just on one side?
Thanks in advance[addsig]


you can order some mirror relocators from quadratec. These mirrors screw in to the door slot thingys and are pretty cheap. Hope this helps[addsig]

i always thought all you need was one mirror...in my case all i am using is my rearview mirror...broke both of the door mirrors off... :-D :-D [addsig]


The way most people drive you would never even know that they HAD mirrors

I've seen someone with mirrors mounted on studs that just slip into the door hinges when your door is removed. I think he made them himself but doesn't look too difficult to fabricate.[addsig]


i'm working on a design to make a clamp style mirror.... when i getter finished... i'll get back to you on it.... shouldn't be tough[addsig]

Round these parts you only have to have the rearview on the winidshield, unless you have restrictions on your driver's license requiring outside mirrors.[addsig]

I looked at the links and dredged up info about door-hinge insert and clamp style mirrors... Looks like that might be the way to go. Might try digging up some old worn-out CJ mirrors and chopping them up to fabricate an insert-type mirror as well, sounds like a fun project. Thanks for the suggestions and comments![addsig]


seriously, i would just go get a big fat magnet... rig something up with that. don't mess around with clamps and such...[addsig]

I got a quick mirror I from Quadratec a few years back. It mounst in the upper door hinge socket. It coast about $50.00 a mirror, but you only need the drivers side to be legal in VA ;-) [addsig]