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Tom Cruise is slowly twisting off into la la land.
This cult has got any brain that he might have had socked away for safe keeping.

"Tom on Katie's Delivery and Cannibalism?

TOM CRUISE is talking again and that can only mean one thing: a rocketship ride to crazy town! In the new issue of GQ, not on stands til April 25th but already leaking out, Scientology's top Thetan says he wants KATIE to give birth in their "home, maybe. We're really going back and forth on that one. But it's gonna be a blast!" (Can't you just see him pumping his fist there?) He also talks about the sonogram machine he bought to take pics of their Tomkitten, saying: "We do it whenever we feel like it. At first we did it a lot. I don't know how many times, but I did not exceed FDA regulations! I'm a filmmaker -- I need to see the rushes!" And he jokes, at least I think he's joking, about cutting the newborn's cord, and, well, eating it. "I'm going to eat the placenta too. [laughs] I thought that'd be good. Very nutritious. I'm going to eat the cord and the placenta right there.
" Heh, heh. Er, funny, Tom. Very, er, funny.

that's gotta be sarcasm, in which case it's kinda funny...:cry:
He's just gone off the deep end. I've lost all respect for him. Like I had any before this but you know what I mean.
mingez said:
that's gotta be sarcasm, in which case it's kinda funny...:cry:

While that statement may be sarcastic, many things he has said and done in his personal life over the last couple of years has been very weird esp when he refers to his cult's belief system and his so-called personal journey to enlightenment.

Freak!, that's all I got to say about that. You've lost it Maverick.
Placenta's pretty tastey. Don't knock it till you try it!!! Kinda salty tho, so bring lot's of Yoo Hoo to wash it down with.

Mmmmmmmm.... Placenta....

Man, Mingez, evidently you and Mr. Cruise have never laid eyes on that thing!!! I actually asked to see it when my son was born (they whisked it away and had it off to the side). Nasty, nasty stuff.......trust me!! I asked what they do with that stuff and the nurse told me they sell it to shampoo companies!!!!! That oughta make ya think twice next time you wash your hair!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

But I'll tell ya', after seein' it, ain't NO WAY I would even think about tasting it. BLECCCCHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Won't try stewed tomatoes either!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
I met him once whne he was doing the filming for MI3. We were doing stand by when they were blowing up everything. Man what a freaky group he brings with him. If he didnt have 50 people around him telling him how great he was he started getting ****y. We were also told that on the set he could only be called by the name of the person he was playing and not to make direct eye contact with him :purple:
Never did care for the freakshow *******.

On another note, in many cultures, eating the placenta is a ritual after a birth. Of course, it's eaten cooked, I believe, in most cultures. They say it tastes like liver. It's supposed to renew life in those who eat it. Currently there's a case in Hawaii about a couple who are trying to get the hospital to release the placenta of their child for this purpose, but the hospital is fighting it, saying that all afterbirth products are "bio-hazardous waste" and cannot be released to the general public. Same thing with dentists, they are not allowed to give you your teeth anymore for the same reason. Personally, I believe if it came from my body, I own it and can take it home with me if I want!!