Mommy, where do fiberglass jeeps come from?


New member
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I never realy payed attention to glass jeeps cause mine is steel. Recently I got an 80 CJ5 thats fiberglass. Is this all aftermarket, or was it a factory option? Also it has a one piece tilt front end. Can the fiberglass tub/cowl support steel hood and fenders if I decide in the future to replace it? This is all very new to me.
k, guess that clears it up for me, thanks.
I only asked "if" I replaced the front clip because I have spare fenders etc. Guess I just need to get used to the "change." Just picked it up yesterday.

Yeah, they are pricey. That's why I ended up parting with my '79 CJ7. It was too pricey to do the tub swap and too much rot to chase. I miss that beast.