Motor Mount Bolts


New member
Hey, my motor mount bolts on passenger side broke off while in the mountains. broke the starter solenoid and the distributor. I am going to replace those but wondering if any body has tips on removing the broken bolts from the engine block. parts store says use easy-out. Will I have to pull the motor? any help appreciated.

I would say the parts store is correct useing easy outs,soak it well with pb blaster,perhaps a day or 2. as far as pulling the motor, that question well be answered when you see if you have enough room to work with to get the job done. I think youll have to lift the motor,when installing the new bolts,you might want to apply some antisieze to the threads.
Thanks for the advice, I'll pick up some PB Blaster tomorrow. Why did this happen right before archery season?
Upon further inspection the transmission crossmember bolts snapped too, but that probably happened when my buddy was towing me down the mountain at 50 miles per hour. :shock: I almost passed him twice! I think he had too many silver bullets.
Anyway, does anyone know what size/strength bolts are needed for these? I found one of the motor mount bolts so I can match that up.