Motor timing 180* out?

Have you checked your fuel pressure? I take it it doesn't hesitate in the no load.

What carb do you have?
Too much carb not enough air?
Torque converter.
Blocked exhaust?

Using app
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It has a Weber 32/36 with a fuel. regulator set at 3.0-3.5 psi per spec. It's an open air cleaner, but could probably be changed. It's not that bad tho'. I have no clue on torque converter or how to check, and the exhaust is sound.

Sent from my XT1650 using mobile app
Not all carbs have both ports. The big switch from manifold vac to ported happened in the 70's and not all carbs built after that had both ports, some did, some didn't. You can tap directly into the manifold to get full time vac. I haven't read through this whole thread but sounds like you are trying to find the ports, hope it helped. Sgt erik: you are getting hesitation on acceleration? check your timing and check how much vac advance you are getting. Im guessing you are getting too much advance at take off and acceleration from cruise or heavy load.. steady cruise and idle are fine?

I think I finally got it right as it can be... I think the primary source of the problem was the fuel mixture screw was turned in almost a half a turn to far. And, I should have looked at the carb instructions sooner. When installing it and flipping thru the pages I must have flipped two pages and landed on a different model that Redline builds. Today when going the paperwork I came across an addendum that said the fuel mixture should not closer than 1-1/2 turns from closed. I checked mine and it was about 1-1/4 from closed. I went through the setup again and it is now at about 1-5/8 from close. The troubleshooting guide also listed the balking/hesitation as a symptom of that setting being off. Everything seems to be running well, it even seemed like it wanted to climb that hill from yesterday. I put it on the freeway and it had no problem climbing to 79 mph (but that was the max), an it held there without any issues.

Final settings/readings:
RPM @ Idle = 650 (spec = 600 +/- 50)
Timing @ 900 RPM = 11* BTDC (spec = 9* +/- 2*) "she seemed to run better here, so I figured she's a little advanced in age!-)"
Manifold vacuum = 18-19 psi (20 would have been great, but it's in the middle of the green range)
Ported vacuum @ idle = 1-2 psi (spec = 0, OK she's showing her age again!)

I want to thank everyone for the support and advice. Without good people like you all, I might as well close the doors and keep the lights off in the garage when I work on her!

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I'm sure glad you got 'er figured out Sgt. Erik, it's right gratifying when we ultimately get on top of tuning issues. Where's Connie Rodd when we need her the most ;)

BTW that's a sweet looking CJ even if it's red, could you be a closet Marine? :lol:

Now I've jsut gotta figure out the wiring mess in my other rig 'BBB'
Well the 10 gauge fusible link came in and got it put together, just got to crimp/solder the terminals now.




Got the terminals on and it's all set to install;


...and extended the wire loom to accomodate the extra length I'll need for when I go with the top post battery I have waiting in the wings.

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...and onto my next wiring project, the battery to underhood fuse/relay panel wiring;



Man, how great is Randy's Electrical Corner?
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yep I have a couple big boxes full of old issues of JP. love it