Mud Puddles


Active member
public service message****this land is owned by my neighbor, she knows what happened and has no problem with it.****public service message

i thought it would be fun to take the kids through the little ditch down the street on the way home. turned out to not be fun since it has been raining for a week straight. :(

this is a 5" lift and mud terrain 31s. it dug right in





don't fall for the "its just a little dip in the yard" story. now i have two gouged rims from something that was under the mud and mud all in the driver's area. the kids from the neighborhood thought it was the greatest show when we finally got it to get the back wheel to grab. mud flew every where and it jumped right out. we had to use the wrangler to pop it out enough for the back to lower and grab though
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Re: oh lord, mud puddles

Damn! That sucks... happens to me all the time. Just riding along and PLUMF!! My front end is burried.....
Re: oh lord, mud puddles

:grin::funny:didn't anyone tell you xjs don't like mud:D
and yes don't you just hate that when trying to show off for the kids


Re: oh lord, mud puddles

dang!!!!!!!!! we have puddles like that here after rain like this week. i stay out of those ones though.
Re: oh lord, mud puddles

i just noticed this is in the wrong section. can someone move it to the right area. this is not technical.

i thought it would be fun to take the kids through the little ditch down the street on the way home. turned out to not be fun since it has been raining for a week straight. :(

this is a 5" lift and mud terrain 31s. it dug right in





don't fall for the "its just a little dip in the yard" story. now i have two gouged rims from something that was under the mud and mud all in the driver's area. the kids from the neighborhood thought it was the greatest show when we finally got it to get the back wheel to grab. mud flew every where and it jumped right out. we had to use the wrangler to pop it out enough for the back to lower and grab though

Wow don't want to mis-understood so I will try to be as clear as possible and so don't get all hurt over this but... this high level of Asshattery is what makes the off road sport and hobby look like a bunch of no tooth, uneducated, in-bread, hillbilly earth haters. thank you for setting back the hard work and efforts of all the responsible people that recreate in a positive manner... plus, by posting you this on the interweb for all to see, you have successfully undermining the ideology of Blue Ribbon, Tread Lightly, and US4WDA, etc.. Thanks
Wow don't want to mis-understood so I will try to be as clear as possible and so don't get all hurt over this but... this high level of Asshattery is what makes the off road sport and hobby look like a bunch of no tooth, uneducated, in-bread, hillbilly earth haters. thank you for setting back the hard work and efforts of all the responsible people that recreate in a positive manner... plus, by posting you this on the interweb for all to see, you have successfully undermining the ideology of Blue Ribbon, Tread Lightly, and US4WDA, etc.. Thanks

Wow, no misunderstanding that. :shock:
In my opiniion,jps4jeep is quite a bit out of line,after he gets done venting and sits still and have a little chat with himself.
He just might notice,the vechicle isnt in the forest, its a ditch in a residentual section,those kids watching this take place ,may just decide to get involved with jeeps instead of drugs.

Might I piont out the jeep did not cause the hole!
No maybe not the hole Just the ruts and prob county property since it appears to be a vacant lot :D
In my opiniion,jps4jeep is quite a bit out of line,after he gets done venting and sits still and have a little chat with himself.
He just might notice,the vechicle isnt in the forest, its a ditch in a residentual section,those kids watching this take place ,may just decide to get involved with jeeps instead of drugs.

No Offense, Your Right, you are a toothless hillbilly, but you forgot to add ignorant. I will go under the assumption that you do not participate in any land usage discussions, you do nothing to advocate for the hobby and sport, and you most likely have never been to a land use hearing.. so, what you see here in these photos, is nothing more than ammunition for environmental nut jobs to shut down what limited public wheeling we have..

I have been to plenty of Land use hearings, I've sat on land use committee's for our regional 4wd associations, I’ve seen these hearings at the federal level with both blue ribbon coalition and United 4WD Association. These photos are not good, what trail closers see is someone in a clapped out camo jeep driving on town/city/county land with out caution in a public neighborhood, spinning his tires, kicking mud all up all over his jeep, destroying the natural habitat of the spotted newt. If Jethro Bob does this in public view of a residential neighborhood, then what does he while off in the woods when no one is around?

Here in New England, we are loosing our trails at an alarming rate, 90% of the land we have to wheel on now is private land that we work hard to secure and nail down leasing deals with the owners. Pictures like this is what land closure proponents use to convince (what here we call) DCR (department of conservation and recreation) that offroaders in general are a haphazard, irresponsible group of people destroying the world.

i guess i am lucky my neighbor owns the land and is fine with it.

its ok, i have never been to one of those meetings and i didn't put any info on the land.
we have alot of places we can go that are wild but we usually ask since it does present a bad image if you just go out and tear stuff up. i have two places within walking distance in the town i live in, which is odd for a decent size city. i am lucky though, my neighbor bought up the whole neighborhood when she moved to corpus in the late 40s. all the houses on the street, her kids built and she sold and the open land is all hers. she lets me go where ever i want because i help her when her vehicles break down since all her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids moved away except a few. i have been teaching one of her great grandkids how to work on vehicles since he is interested in automotive work and dropped out of high school. this way he can get a semi decent job and work his way up.

It's OK to disagree about something, but personal attacks / insults are not acceptable. Lets try to keep things friendly.