Mud Puddles

Well I would have to disagree with certain previous comments, here in Florida we play in any bit of mud that we can find, even if it's in our front yard. But we also try to preserve lands, if for no other reason than so that we can have our little mud holes, and the big ones too lol and like Terry said, we can all disagree, no reason to start up personal attacks. Arguing on the internet is pointless, even if you win you're still immature; )

And I definitely have to disagree with the comment about XJ's not liking mud, i've taken my 2wd XJ places that S-10's, Rangers, F-150's, etc. have gotten stuck! And I frequently have to rescue all other makes foreign and domestic from the trails!
It's OK to disagree about something, but personal attacks / insults are not acceptable. Lets try to keep things friendly.


I thought this was America? Doesn't a guy have the freedom to tear up what he himself owns? It wasn't public land so I say drop the front wheels in and then give it hell. Here in centeral Indiana is IS no public spots to ride. Closest we have is a few pay parks 2-3 hours away. Alot of our wheeling is done is riverbottoms so that no matter how much you tear them up, after the next rain, all is back to it's natural beauty of mud, sand, driftwood, and trash that has been washed back in place.

That Guy is probably a nice guy, and prefacing it with My land or My Neighbors land etc.. would have made it less of an issue, but having photo's of such on a public forum can still be an issue.

Gennybro, I guess I am a fanatic, when you put so much effort into trying to keep public land open for everyone to use, ya you point out situations or instances that would jepordize the cumulative efforts of so many people. You just don't get it, and thats fine, Have fun wheeling tellico.
You're friend may very well own the land, but unless she owns the road the ditch is usually owned/maintained by whatever public entity maintains the roadway. Check out where the grass is mowed, I'd venture to say that's where the private property begins.

I had the same first impression as jps4jeep, bad image for offroad enthusiasts in general. We get a bad rap for being a tear-it-up crowd with no regard for nature. This reinforces that image and gives ammunition to our opponents of land access.

it is just inside the cut area that the city maintains.

i had no intention of getting stuck. i drive that area all the time because i turn around there when i pick the kids up from the bus. it was originally just a puddle that i wanted to make a big splash for the kids. if i would've known it was going to drop in like that, i would've never went near it. i hate washing mud off of vehicles. when i tried to pull out, the front axle dug into the mud, that is the only reason i got stuck. then when my wife pulled me out, she was on the road so she wasn't tearing anything up pulling me. in reality, it didn't make a huge mess, other hten that mud hole.

believe me, i am not a fan of washing mud off. i hate how vehicle ruts look in people's yards so i didn't do this on purpose. it was an accident and i got to clean mud for an hour off the bottom and sometime this weekend i am going ot have to clean mud off the rest of the jeep because of it.

I knew it!! I should'a kept my mouth shut. LMAO. How the heck are y'a good buddy?.:D

Yeah, I'm with ya' on keepin' the mouth shut, but this thread seemed like it was ready for a little levity.....and YOU started it, so I thought I'd join in. Good points made, though. Here in the North (where I happen to be now), people are pretty anal about their land, and pics like this give them more ammunition, although it's totally unrelated to their "turf". And I hear ya', Johnny, about Tellico. Damn shame. However, we just came back from exploring get up north there - Moosehead Lake and points north - and people are much more "off-road" friendly - hell, that's how they live!!!!

Anyway, Steel, doin' well.............tryin' to adapt to bein' a Yankee.
Does the moderator for, represent If so is there not a code of conduct that they should abide by,be in place. If there is one,in my opinion,it wasnt followed,or just no one cares ,and the moderator can downgrade anyone they please cause their protected by the establishment.
Hey there mud4feet, In the northeast (north of conneticut anyway) We prefer not to be called yankee. This here is redsoxnation!!! LOL. I suppose we were yankee,s in the 1600,s but now just prefer to be called patriots! 1and1 so far, Moss not showing mutch, but how about that Wess Welker!

Hey there mud4feet, In the northeast (north of conneticut anyway) We prefer not to be called yankee. This here is redsoxnation!!! LOL. I suppose we were yankee,s in the 1600,s but now just prefer to be called patriots! 1and1 so far, Moss not showing mutch, but how about that Wess Welker!

Hey, lambo, I here ya'. Nobody likes to be called names. Wife and I just spent 4 years in southern Louisiana where we were called "Yankees"........even though I've been in the South since 1986!?!?!? Now, if they called me "Original Rebel", I might be fine with that. And "hillbilly" doesn't offend me at all, because that's what I am!!

Anyway, guess I meant I'm trying to adapt to this Northern clime. Don't like the cold - that's why I moved south in the first place.